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So we have Momentum Control, that place people go to get scout rifle and grenade launcher kills.

We have Comp, that place people go to get meta guns, (the most accessible of which are actually more use in PvE than PvP.)

And we have Iron Banner, that place everyone is forced to go for light level boosts if they don't want to have to regrind the bonus artefact light level necessary to complete the raid and dungeon after December (10th? I forget.)

And then we have standard Crucible, which is a mess of New Light first timers, afk'ers, and matchmaking oddities.

None of the above are free from silly quests or bounties, or players driven into PvP who don't want to be there, and who aren't comfortable with the activity.

And none of the above feels like as pure and focused as Trials did.

14 months. 14 months.

3v3 is back. People aren't complaining about that in droves. The mood from the playerbase that wants to be there is actually pretty positive, meta-issues aside. (And let's not confuse meta problems as being an activity problem. Trials as an activity was fine, outside of clans abusing the matchmaking for easy tickets - something they're doing for easy glory in comp now, anyway. Why punish Trials fans for something that's still continuing in another form?)

We even have solo-queue, all the way up to 5500 - something Trials would have benefited from massively back before it was killed off. (Yes - it would have. If players are tolerating the potential for idiots and trolls up at Legend, then there's absolutely no reason why they wouldn't tolerate the potential for idiots and trolls on their 6 win ticket. Just match like with like, to reduce the risk of being paired with someone who wants to screw your day up.)

So for the love of god, can we please have the activity back now? You know, a Crucible event that's actually about the Crucible, and not gear grinds or silly bounties that force you to play against the meta at the cost of your team mates.

It could even go back to being Trials of Osiris, now we've actually met the guy in-game. Frame it as Osiris moving to offset his unfortunate reputation as a rabid fanboy magnet, by instating a training activity which would actually prove yourself to the Vanguard and the city.

You could even recycle those D1 armour skins - god knows everyone loved them.

Just do it already.

Seriously. Enough messing about.

Meanwhile... Faction Rallies.

It was killed because, what - everyone complained it was a fomo gear grind, which essentially boiled down to everyone rushing one activity or play space over and over, because it was the most efficient way of farming tokens?

Vex Offensive. A box room activity, which has yet to change in any mentionable manner, the player-incentive for which essentially boils down to farming for favourable rolls on four guns.

Four guns. Four.

How on earth is Vex Offensive any different to Faction Rallies, other than the fact that it gives you zero options about how you go about farming the carrot-and-stick gear, and it's season-long duration, (rather than Rally's one week limit.)

It's even less appealing than Rallies was.

Again, the resources are already in the game. Just recycle the gear and ornaments and make them permanent vendors with favour levels like in D1, or a season long thing just like the battlepass which everyone seems to love - whatever.

Just do something with those npcs rather than leaving them there, hogging up instance space and doing nothing.


Edit: appreciate the gold and the support, ty <3

Also, we've been here before with FR feedback, and by all accounts were met with defeaning silence. Can we do better on communication this time, please?

Edit2: some interesting ideas from the comments:

What if we had factions full time like in D1 then you associate special perks or mods [add. similar to the artefact mods?] that are only available from specific factions. this would add more customization to characters or builds. of course you would need to do activities or quest for the faction in order to earn those rewards.

Two of the biggest complaints I see right now are faction rallies and prime engrams. It’s clear Bungie doesn’t like faction rallies and has no intention of bringing them back.

What they should do at this point is turn the leaders into permanent vendors, where you can turn prime engrams into to receive faction specific loot. The faction vendor will take the prime engram and turn it into currency, equivalent of half a level, so it takes 2 prime engrams to receive a faction package. Seems like a way bungie would handle it which would be fine with me. They don’t even need to refresh the loot pool, armor 2.0 and the chance to get the shaders again would be good enough for me.

If they really want to make it special and something ‘new’, just give us something back from destiny 1. The exotic class armor pieces. You choose which faction your allegiance is to, and after leveling up your faction to let’s say level 20, you get the exotic bond/cloak/mark for your class.

Trials can stay dead until they make Trials Rumble

Give each Faction their own game mode to cycle, so players who participate in that mode get tokens to purchase through that vendor, and the mode changes each week.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We don't have any new info for you on either of these topics. The team is aware of the feedback for Trials to return and for either Factions to return permanently like in D1, some form of Factions Rallies to return, or for Faction gear to return. At least that is the feedback I have been seeing. Let me know if you have any different suggestions.

We'll let you know if we have anything new to share in the future.