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It doesn't stay sorted or filtered when I re enter the page from the last time. Now I have to flip through 3 pages instead of seeing them all lined up. Why would you change this Bungie? Also why are the gambit synth oven, ballistic logs, and a small gift (catnip) in the quest pursuit tab in the first place? I've always wondered this. If you should have done anything it would have been to increase the capacity of quests and pursuits to be held. You have these beautiful moments of creativity and good content generation and then do weird things to the UI. Love you guys but dang.

Edit: I'm on console.

Double edit: holy flippity floop this blew up when i was sleeping, thanks for the all the shiny bits everyone. I just want brungo to know that I love them to just give us unlimited pursuit slots already!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We really appreciate the feedback. I will let pass along feedback to the team on the pursuits tab. Let me know what you like and don't like about it, and what changes you would like to see in the future.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by crystal-rooster

For me it is the change in muscle memory that is the most jarring though the UI seems to be a downgrade as well.

Edit: Holy Opulence! cozmo replied!

Yea, we knew that anytime we do this kind of change years of muscle memory is going to be annoying to adjust to. But we do want to hear feedback on how the UI can be better.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by former_cantaloupe

Thanks for the suggestion. Wouldn't that be a lot more "Button presses" to get to Bounties though?

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by PDXpatriate

I think the muscle memory will be surmountable over time and I think the pursuit tab sitting in the director makes sense as it's right by the map so I can see where I need to go and then just tab over.

What I don't enjoy is that the text is really busy and it's sort of overwhelming on the eyes. I enjoy the sleeker design of just having the icons and then hover overing for the flavortext/instructions. A lot of Icons aren't so bad but the text just feels jarring. I don't know why.

The sorting system is amazing though and I really like how it was done but re-sorting every time is a big annoyance on console. If it's possible to save the sort that would be a good QOL improvement. I suspect that was already attempted and for some reason unable to make it into the game at this time.

I hope this is good feedback!

This is good feedback, thanks!