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Hello, Bungie. I love Destiny. Poured my heart and soul into D1, and I'm loving Shadowkeep. Keep it up (pun intended). But when I was declined from doing a run of Garden of Salvation just because I don't have Izanagi's Burden, it made me remember: "Huh. It's been damn near ten months, 250 bounties black armory bounties later, and I still haven't gotten a rare bounty to get the Izanagi's burden." Now, I'm not going to boycott the game, and I have no clue on the drop rate of this bounty, but if I'm going to give you one suggestion it's that you should 100% have a max limit of bounties, activities, etc. before the game just outright gives said item or quest step to you.

Now I understand RNG, and it can't really be helped sometimes, but 250 FREAKIN' BLACK ARMORY BOUNTIES? That boggles my mind and kind of pisses me off, to be honest.

I've said my peace. Thanks for reading. Give 'em hell, guardians.

TL;DR: After doing bounties, activities, etc. so many times for a quest or random non weapon or armor drop, the game should give you said quest step, or quest item.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by pmgygu

Well, this is a new one I'm starting to think the whole questline is bugged. I am stuck waiting on the key mold but you have to finish a quest line from spider on Nessus first. When you go to the fight the final boss you get kicked back to orbit. Has happened no less than 30 times in the past few days. Changed emblem, cleared cache, et cetera and still no luck. If they ever get it fixed I have a rare BA bounty on deck at least.

There is currently an issue blocking the key mold. We are investigating.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Oof. Sorry about that. I'll let the team know. PM me your player name or steam ID.