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From what I've seen from videos, I'm going to have a lot of fun with this LMG...much more fun than the slog it took to obtain it. By a mile. This event was nothing more than another bounty-ful chore to run through, and wasn't at all fun despite all the "data" you have to show how many people were engaged in it (for the record, I call bullsh*t on their charts from last week and their piss poor scoring adjustments. Warlocks were NEVER in the running at all and Hunter were shafted).

Most people didn't play this event because it was fun, they played because of the weapon linked to it, not knowing when it might be available again. If that's how you're going to handle these seasonal events...keep them.

At least the real prize isn't trash. That would've made this thing a complete loss. But make no mistakes...it's still a loss even with Heir. Please bring The Revelry back next year. I'd rather have stupid buffs in PVP than this.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Here's what I'm seeing in terms of feedback. Can't promise any specific changes for the "needs improvement" section, but I can pass along thoughts to the team.


  • Cosmetic Rewards (Class Items, Ghosts, Shader, Emblems)
  • Exotic Reward - Powerful, fun to use, unique in functionality
  • Theming - people enjoy the class rivalry, drove hype

Needs improvement

  • Scoring metrics - Players want to see different ways to contribute to standings, and would like objectives that don't need to be balanced based on population. Calls scoring metrics into question, feels like event is rigged even if it isn't.
  • Event participation - too many bounties, medals too similar to bounties
  • Scoring representation (This was our first in-game representation of standings, but it could use some work to better communicate where the teams are)
  • Lore - too much on Eververse items (We're already in the process of addressing this for future events & releases)
  • Eververse - Armor sets can be earned for free, but it felt too far removed from the gameplay loop

Questions for folks:

  • How do you feel about the daily participation packages?
  • Are there any other specific points of feedback you have? (Rumble triumph as example)