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I just had a kid and D2 time is limited - I find myself jumping on for 15-20 mins and either hitting a public event, checking mars for EP, or checking moon for Altar. This got me thinking, is it just me or is Winding Cove easily the best spot for public events; I know I instinctively check there if I need one. Seems to have the right mix of factors:

-Not too far from the spawn

-Easy, fast PE you can turn heroic solo

-Fun little obstacle to maneuver (sliding, on your sparrow etc) - that tree

-Easy, reliable patrol (I feel like the one on the hill is always salvage, and I think there are just pure kill ones too)

-Not one not two but _three_ wanted/HVT enemies that spawn fairly regularly

-Kind of a cool lost sector!

I dunno why, but for me it's as second nature as loading trostland to try out new guns. Do people have another favorite? My silver medal is always Artifact's Edge, it has almost all of the above plus a saboteur

Edit - lots of people bringing up Artifact's Edge, and it's definitely my 2nd favorite (especially all the stupid stuff you can do with the portal), for me personally there's just a little negative association after making a lot of trips to Gofannon grinding out Blacksmith.

I think that's part of the purity of Winding Cove - you never really _have_ to go there besides Xur. And who doesn't want two Riskrunners.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by facetious_guardian

There are two other great points:

  1. It goes faster if made Heroic.

  2. Blueberries can’t stop you from making it Heroic.

Blueberries can’t stop you from making it Heroic.

you bet your ass I can.