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Hate to break it to people, but it's literally the exact same thing we've been doing already in VO, but the boss has changed to a weaker Hydra.

I thought I'd add some opinion after getting my 3 kills: overall, the "new" version is really lackluster. It seems like there may be more enemies, but I can't confirm or deny. The only definitive changes is that the boss is the Undying Mind and he summons little kamikaze harpies when in damage phase, akin to the Menagerie boss. There's no new rewards from what I've seen, Ikora has nothing new, and after getting my 3 kills I doubt I'll go back in.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Sorry you found it disappointing. We'll pass along everyone's feedback to the team. Let us know what you liked, didn't like, and think could be improved upon in future seasons.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheSupaCoopa

It would have been great if it had some extra difficulty and a distinct unique drop, like an Imago Loop redux or something would have been great.

Heroic menagerie was pretty great because it had a couple unique drops as well as added difficulty, it felt like a mountain to climb after you'd already mastered the normal version.

Thanks for the suggestions. It's always great getting extra loot!

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by MathTheUsername

Bungie HAS to know that this isn't new feedback. The loot chase is basically the whole point of the game. We have been asking for strike/activity specific loot literally since D2 released. To have what seems to be the main repeatable season long activity only have 4 primaries and a set of armor that was already given to us at level 1 of the season pass is kind of terrible.

Bungie seems to be pretty good at making content, but terrible at rewarding players for that content.

It's especially annoying when there is a garden themed ship and sparrow, but neither one of them drop in the raid or the vex offensive.

Same goes for the red keep. There is no strike specific drop, but there is a red keep sparrow in the eververse store.

It's insulting to be honest.

Bungie HAS to know that this isn't new feedback.

Yes, sorry for the confusion, I'm not trying to claim this is new feedback we haven't seen before. We try to reply to acknowledge comments to show we are reading these responses. The team is definitely aware that players want more unique loot.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by R0by_76

What we didn’t like? Can’t you guess by yourself just playing this thing ?

Sure. I can pass along my own opinions about things, but my job is to reach out and get the community's response.