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I'm not mad, I'm just incredibly disappointed.

For those unaware, previously the quest for the Izanagi's burden was bugged for those who had yet to obtain the key mold from Ada-1 prior to Shadowkeep. With the update from 29/10/19, that bug was fixed but now players are reporting new bugs: (1) using a key obtained after completing a forge at max temper does not grant progress to the Mysterious Box quest; (2) consuming the Obsidian Crystal after turning in a rare bounty during that specific step of the overall quest does not grant progress; (3) the key mold seemingly cannot be claimed by other characters when it has already been claimed by one character. As such, the quest that was previously bugged with one point of failure is now bugged with multiple points of failure.

The following is a rant. The initial problem with the Izanagi's quest was known at day 1 and it took Bungie 29 days to fix that problem. With the bug now having multiple problems, I expect this to not be fix until at least 29 days from yesterday, when they found out about the bug. That is a predicted 58 days that will pass before the Izanagi's quest will be fixed and that is assuming that no new bugs will come in the next fix. 58 days! That's almost the entirety of the Season of the Undying. Is a timeline such as this normal, or even acceptable, to Bungie and the Destiny community? I have poured my heart and soul into this game, I have ~300 hours logged in since Shadowkeep (the perks of being single and being able to seduce all your friends to also become obsessed with Destiny) and have spent $150+ on this game since I genuinely want to support Bungie. I love what they have added to this game since Shadowkeep and I want them to continue. But lingering bugs and problems in this game that take ages to be fixed has always been and looks like will continue to be the norm when it comes to Destiny and Bungie. As such this rant, was less about the problem's with Izanagi but more about the slow pace that Bungie is taking to fix problems that has persisted in this game, before and during Shadowkeep. I love what Bungie has done with this game and I hope that they continue to improve (keep that sh*t up!) but the problems with the Izanagi's quest just shows the underlying problems with Bungie and Destiny that many have just swept under the rug.

I hope my prediction is wrong and that these new problems are fixed much earlier than I expect but I'm keeping my expectations low. Meanwhile, I'll go enjoy the other new stuff while crying on the inside as I still do not have my Izanagi's.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I'll see you all next time.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Team is digging on this right now. Fully understand the frustrations here, as players are looking for a top DPS weapon to use in difficult content.

Once we have more info on the underlying bug, the proposed fix, and a timeline, we'll let you know.