Original Post — Direct link

Your currency took a hit Guardian; this is not a drill

We will update this thread with new information as it rolls in below

Please direct all discussion and feedback on the issues here and as always, be excellent to each other and keep it civil

Stay safe out there while it’s down, Guardians

Bungie Updates / Tweets

  • Bungie Help:


We have begun to roll back player accounts to the state they were in at 8:30 AM PST prior to Hotfix Destiny 2, http://Bungie.net, and the Destiny API will remain offline until maintenance completes.

Another update will be provided by 2pm PST

  • Bungie Help:

> We have identified the issue causing loss of materials and currencies after Hotfix All player accounts will be rolled back to the state they were in at 8:30 AM PST, with maintenance expected to last until 7 PM PST.

Another update will be provided by 1:30 PM PST.

> We are investigating the re-emergence of the issue causing missing currencies and materials after Hotfix went live. Destiny 2 will remain offline, please stand by for further updates.


  • Is it down?


  • Second time, same thing as before?


  • Will it roll back again?

Most likely

  • How long will it be down

Unknown for now (See above updates)

  • Will making a thread in /new fix it faster?


  • Is Sand called Sand because it’s between the Sea and the Land?


External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zzzlol94

Note to self: Never play D2 directly after a patch drop again.

edit: telesto stole my gold

editit: bungo patched telesto, but it put railjack into d2

Note to self: Never tweet about “minor hotfixes” directly before a patch drop again.

Edit: Telesto stole my bread