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I just had a match in which none of my super or fusion kills counted, and at the end I didn't get any valor points. I imagine it also didn't count towards the 15 matches played step either.

Not sure why this would be. I didn't join the match in-progress, and the ones before and after were fine.

If you notice this happening, just leave the match. You won't get anything for completing it.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by MafiaGT

It's not just iron banner, it's all crucible and gambit. This bug has been in the game since forsaken but I've yet to see any bungie employee acknowledge the existence of it.

Edit: [mods], why ignore this issue? Do you guys really not know it exists? Or is it so bad of a bug you don't know how to fix it and choose to ignore that it's a thing?

Edit2: Apparently it is on a known bug list. Silly me... Hopefully it's a priority for the team at Bungie.

Not ignoring it. It's on our list of known issues and we looking into it.
