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(Apparently you can't use the word "official" in the title lol)

The app is well integrated with the game and it makes life so much easier for solo players. I did my thorn and malfeasance strikes in less than an hour using the app to find teammates. Just link the game tag, create a team, wait for people to join, and send invites. You don’t even need to add anyone (on ps4 at least)

Many people are active on the app, and some people would join your team just to help

Hopefully Bungie can do some in game promotion so that more people, especially the new players can know about the app and take advantage of using it

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over 4 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by destinyvoidlock

What platform are you on? It seems like the xbox in game lfg is the defacto standard there and the destiny 2 lfg discord is the one for pc. I don't know how playstation players operate lol

In general, the companion LFG is best for PS4, Xbox has their dashboard LFG (though the companion LFG still works well), and Steam users are probably using Discord, because the companion app can't auto-join you on steam. I hope to eventually find a solution that brings all of the platforms to parity, but that is a much longer term project.

After managing your inventory (which can be done directly in the app or by using the official API via DIM or other 3rd party apps), it is our most popular feature by far.

over 4 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRedThirst

I cant send / receive invitations through the LFG section on the app, which results in people booting me / leaving from the list

Make sure you haven't set your privacy options too tightly. Especially on PS4, you can set your system privacy settings so tightly so you can't send/receive invites except with your friends.

over 4 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by Supreme_Math_Debater

Would it be possible/easier to add some functions to the API protocol that tie into bungie.net's find fireteam feature? I think the main issue is that there's just too many LFG systems out there that are all disconnected from each other. If they could all tie into the same database, it would make things so much more easy.

Most of the fireteam functionality is in the API. However, due to platform restrictions of Xbox and PSN (you need the auth token for them, which you don't have on the 3rd party apps), we can't expose the invite functionality in the API. So, you can build fireteams, but not send invites like the companion app does for consoles. Eventually, we hope to build something that doesn't need to route through the consoles' services that would work for Steam as well, but that is a long term project.

over 4 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by HiroProtagonistSteam

DIM is superior to the companion app in every way.

Thanks to our robust API support, there are lots of great alternatives to the companion app that replace all or some of its functionality. Such apps can very specifically focus on certain aspects to the exclusion of everything else, and innovate in those areas, and are often very good. DIM is a great one, so is Ishtar Commander. We've been looking into ways to better highlight these efforts in our companion and website so people can know about them. The official app will remain as the "entry point" generalist tool, but we want to spread to word about all the great work our community does with our API.