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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/47935

Hey everyone, 

Like we did a few weeks ago on the Livestream, we’re going to continue to talk about how Destiny will continue to evolve this Fall and beyond. This update is about how we’re changing Eververse. 

We’ve already made a number of changes to Eververse in Season of Opulence (we’ve redesigned the store, we’ve made Bright Engrams only include Year 1 gear—and have it bias heavily toward giving you items you haven’t unlocked in your Collections), and we’re going to make more changes to the economy, store, and armor in this fall’s patch. 


It stinks to go to the Eververse store and see an item that looks cool and then seeing that the item has bad perks on it. In fact, when we’re setting up the armor, we’d twist ourselves up in knots to make sure the Eververse armor sets didn’t have good perks. We did this because we want the best way to get sweet perks on your armor to be by playing the game, not shopping for enhanced Hand Cannon loaders at Tess. The root cause (dating all the way back to Destiny 1) is that Eververse armor has always had perks/gameplay capability as a part of the package. 

We’re done with that. As of this September, all Eververse armor is being converted into Universal Ornaments. These Universal Ornaments can be applied to all of the Legendary armor sets we’re releasing this Fall. They override the look of your equipped gear while preserving the perks, mods, and stats of the original item. 

Any Eververse Armor you have acquired in your Collections will have its Universal Ornaments automatically unlocked for use on new Legendary armor. For example, if the song in your heart is to have your Titan roll with the 2018 Tin Man-esque Festival of the Lost Helmet, you can put it on any of the new Legendary armor coming to the game this fall. 

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Work in progress build.

Evolving Bright Dust

Historically, the best way to earn Bright Dust in Destiny 2 has been to buy a bunch of Bright Engrams, shard everything from the engrams, build a giant bankroll of Bright Dust and then spend it when the Warlock Dire Ahamkara helmet shows up the Bright Dust row in the last week of the season. We’re going to change this. 

This Fall we’re changing Bright Dust from a pay- and/or play-to-earn currency to a play-to-earn reward. We’re adding Bright Dust as a reward for completing Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit bounties. We want all players to earn Dust for playing, not for spending money and destroying a bunch of items in their inventory. After you complete all your bounties for the week, there will be an additional avenue to keep grinding out Bright Dust. 

It’s also been pretty uncool to go to the Collection screen and spend Bright Dust to get shaders or Ghost Shells or whatever. We’re going to fix that too. Beginning September 17, Eververse items in your Collections will cost Glimmer and Legendary Shards. If you want to keep pulling out that Exotic Sparrow that looks like a motorcycle until you get the good Sparrow perk (Instant Summon), you can do that with Legendary Shards and Glimmer. 

Changes to Dismantling Eververse Items

Lastly, because we are changing the cost of pulling things out of the Collections, Eververse items will no longer dismantle into Bright Dust. This Fall, Eververse items will dismantle into Legendary Shards and Glimmer.  

However, that means right now the absolute best thing you can do with all the Eververse items you don’t use regularly—armor, Sparrows, shaders, Ghost Shells, transmat effects—is dismantle them. Sitting on a pile of Midnight Talons or Metro Shift from your Year 1 stockpiles? Shard ’em for Dust. 

That’s right! Everything must go—dismantle the extra stuff you have in your inventory, build up a huge amount of Bright Dust, and spend it on sweet stuff as it rolls through the Eververse store—because on September 17, everything changes. 

TL;DR recap for Twitter:

On September 17, 2019: 

  • All Eververse armor (new and armor you’ve already acquired!) is being converted into Universal Ornaments
  • Universal Ornaments can be attached to any newly acquired Legendary armor
  • Bright Dust is going to come from doing bounties, not dismantling things you spent money on
  • Eververse items can now be pulled from your Collections with Glimmer/Legendary Shards instead of Bright Dust

Before September 17, 2019:

  • Dismantle all of your unused Eververse items to maximize your Bright Dust reserves 

Thanks and see you soon,

Luke Smith

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by silvashadez

Armor 2.0 looking better than ever.

Got a pay-to-win problem? Why not just change the system so that it adds depth to the game and render P2W eververse armor a non-issue. That's the kind of solution I like to see!

That is the goal. Thanks for the feedback!

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by mattster42

What am I supposed to do with all this salt?

Frozen Margs?

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by OrphanofKosm

Can you clarify whether our old armor will be moved to armor 2.0? Stuff like the Gambit Prime or Menagerie gear, will it be updated to have the functionality of the Year 3 perk setup? Not about the Eververse stuff.

We will have much more info on Armor 2.0 details leading up to launch.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by TenTolas

Can we dismantle the eververse gear that we have already acquired and them be available for ornaments this fall? Including year 1 gear?


over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by GGtheBoss17

I’m kinda suspicious that u/Cozmo23 is very eagerly telling us to dismantle all eververse items...

Like, come on bro, what are the consequences?

Edit: Bruh I’m an idiot; Luke Smith wrote that, not Cozmo😂

Consequences are you will only get Bright Dust from items dismantled before 9/17. Also if you dismantle something you still want, you will need to use Bright Dust to pull it out of Collections before 9/17 and Glimmer/Legendary Shards to pull it out after 9/17.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by wickedsmaht

These changes are amazing, tell the team they did a great job.

Doing that now. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by KainLonginus

I am wondering one thing though: What happens to current Eververse armor sets? As in, the stuff we might have equipped right now? Does the transformation into ornaments delete them from our inventories, or will they remain as legendary armor pieces with their own universal ornament slot?


All your current armor will still be there and you can use it if you like. Nothing in your inventory is going to be automatically dismantled.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Captain_Ellie

If we have an Eververse armour on us, as an actual armour we use, will we lose it when it gets converted to ornaments, or will we keep the actual pieces we have? I've invested a good amount of resources bringing some Eververse sets up to par and I do not want that to be wasted.

Your current Eververse armor will still be there to use if you like.