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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48036

This week at Bungie, we’re taking the time to get it right.

If you missed the announcement earlier today, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and New Light have new launch dates.

Luke and Mark: As we’ve been getting closer and closer to serving up Shadowkeep and New Light, it has become increasingly clear to us that our releases for this Fall would benefit from a bit more time in the oven.

Being independent means that the future of Destiny 2 is entirely on our team. It also means that we’re agile enough to choose to do what’s best for the game and our players, even if it’s the hard choice.

We wanted to let you—our community—be the first to know that we’re changing the date for Shadowkeep and New Light from September 17 to October 1.

For full details on the change, make sure to check out the New Launch Window article. We have two months between now and Shadowkeep launch. For some, it may seem like a long time, but for us, the days are flying by. Our short delay won’t be followed by silence.

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We have a lot to reveal and explore between now and October 1. The blog will be lively next week with some information on Cross Save, PC migration, and everything else you’ll need to know to kick ass this fall.



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Stay tuned.


Right now, Solstice of Heroes rages on. The European Aerial Zone is live. Guardians are dishing out the mayhem with their elemental buffs. Today marks the third and final daily rotation. If you haven’t gotten a chance to experience them just yet, here’s your briefing:


Burn your enemies where they stand with today's Solar Elemental Buff.

🎆 https://t.co/g0apIVlNjg pic.twitter.com/Tj9SfY5ujT

— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) July 30, 2019

Unlimited Power!

Move lightning quick with today's Arc Elemental Buff.

🎆 https://t.co/g0apIVlNjg pic.twitter.com/osfSAFYivk

— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) July 31, 2019

Gaze into the Void

Disappear into the shadows with today's Void Elemental Buff.

🎆 https://t.co/g0apIVlNjg pic.twitter.com/istqJWwbl7

— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) August 1, 2019

We’re only on day three of the event, and we’re already seeing Legendary armor sets and the Moments of Triumph “MMXIX” title. We’ll be watching to see who among you earns all three armor sets and unlocks the coveted Voidstreak Sparrow.

Some of you might argue that there’s a better Sparrow available…

Shaxx has been acting a little weird since Mara left from r/destiny2  

Ending on a High Note

With two more weeks on our Season of Opulence Calendar, we’re taking an opportunity to make players feel truly Opulent. Moments of Triumph is being extended for those hunting their prize ship, Sparrow, and T-shirt. Multiple Iron Banners will happen during the final month and a few Valor/Infamy boosts to help Guardians reach some milestones before the end of the season. Here’s a quick calendar for what we have planned:

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In Destiny 2 Update, you’ll find a quick quality-of-life update to address some trending feedback from players, specifically concerning rewards. Here’s a preview:

  • Moments of Triumph has been extended through 9/17.
  • Gambit Prime and Reckoning weapon reward rates will be highly increased.

    • They will also have bad-luck protection to guarantee a drop after a set amount of runs.
  • Reckoning difficulty will be tuned to be more welcoming as you hunt for rewards.

  • BrayTech Schematics will no longer have a daily lockout and will give better chances toward weapons that players do not own.

  • Mountaintop and Wendigo GL3 pinnacle quests will become more accessible.

    • Specific quest objectives will be tuned based on player feedback
  • There will be multiple weeks of increased Valor and Infamy to look forward to in September.

    • Iron Banner will be accompanied by increased Valor in each event.
  • As the season comes to a close, Menagerie chests will become more rewarding as Calus sees fit.

  • On the week of Destiny 2 Update, we'll be hosting a Community Challenge of sorts. Stay tuned for more details.

Note: While Moments of Triumph has been extended, Solstice of Heroes will end on August 27. If you wish to complete all Moments of Triumph, be sure to earn your Legendary Solstice set and Masterwork one piece before that deadline.

We’ll have more specifics on these notes as we get closer, but we wanted to give you a few things to look forward to as we embark on the final sprint toward our Fall releases on October 1.

What’s Cookin’?

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Another week, another update. Destiny Update 2.5.2 is live, and by now you’ve probably installed the patch. Destiny Player Support has been all hands on deck, monitoring for any early event hiccups in Solstice of Heroes.

This is their report.

Known Issue Callout: Solstice Key Fragment Magnets

This week, Solstice of Heroes returned in Destiny 2.

Shortly after its launch, we identified an issue where Solstice Key Fragment Magnets were not improving the drop rates of Solstice Key Fragments. To mitigate further impact from this issue, we removed this item from the Eververse Trading Co. storefront and disabled its use in players’ inventories.

As we investigate this issue, we are also working on a plan to restore Bright Dust to affected players. We will follow up with more information at a later date.

Prismatic Inferno and Wolves Unleashed Emblems

Earlier today, we distributed the Prismatic Inferno and Wolves Unleashed emblems to the Postmasters of qualifying players in Destiny 2.

Players should be aware that these emblems will not appear in the Collection until Destiny 2 has been updated at a later date. Until then, players who want to wear these emblems should keep them handy in their Emblem inventory.

Destiny 2 Season of Opulence Known Issues

Listed below are the latest player-impacting issues discovered in Season of Opulence. Players who encounter other issues should report them to the #Help forum.

  • “The Electrician” Bounty: Spider’s “Wanted” bounties do not complete the daily bounty “The Electrician,” which is completed by claiming other daily and weekly bounties.
  • “Aggravated Battery” Bounty: The “Aggravated Battery” daily bounty asks players to defeat high-value targets, but only progresses when defeating high-value targets on destinations from the Red War campaign (EDZ, Nessus, Titan, Io); expansion destinations (Mercury, Mars, Tangled Shore, Dreaming City) will not progress this bounty.
  • Elemental Loadout Bounties: For any bounty that states “Defeat enemy combatants in strikes with an Arc/Void/Solar subclass and an Arc/Void/Solar loadout equipped,” only the elemental subclass is required to complete the bounty. Weapon loadout will not make a difference in completing the bounty.

For the latest gameplay issues as soon as they are discovered, players should visit our Destiny 2: Season of Opulence Known Issues thread. For archived known issues, players should visit our Destiny 2 Known Issues support article.

Power Slides

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This week, we have movement on the mind. Outrunning a blazing Servitor is always a thrill, but can you keep focus when trying not to laugh at your friend’s Sparrow?

Movie of the Week: Blacksmith Circuit - Botza Underground

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Honorable Mention: Gahlran Metal Cover

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Honorable Mention: Slideshots

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If you’d like to put your name in the hat for Movie of the Week, make sure to post your content to the Community Creations page on bungie.net, or throw a video to myself or Cozmo on Twitter.

Usually Cozmo and I leapfrog each other for blog duties, but he was a bit busy this time around. What could be more important than writing the TWAB? Well, he had probably the best reason one could have: He was bringing his second daughter into the world. I have no doubt he’s reading this at home right now, unless he’s on diaper duty.

Join us in welcoming a new member to the Bungie fireteam. 

It been an exciting morning.

Baby Mackenna came 3 weeks early. But at 9 pounds, this little Titan was ready to break out. pic.twitter.com/cSInfSSnUX

— Cozmo (@Cozmo23) July 31, 2019

Much love, and we’ll see you next week.



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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by rodfigs

Anybody else not get their emblem?

They're rolling out. Could take a bit!

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Good-Name015

Yay for mountaintop quest nerf : D

I've already got mine but no one should suffer through that.

We had a lot of conversation internally. It's a tricky situation where you identify a lengthy quest that needs to be tuned down. How do you make changes without disrespecting the time and effort of those who earned the reward?

In this case, and speaking from personal experience, many of those who earned the reward agreed that the requirements were a bit over the top. It may sting, but it's understood.

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by bombventure

Community challenge? Yes!

Excited, if I do say so myself. It'll be a fun testing ground, and we'll see how they can grow in the future.

Stay tuned for details...

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Esbeon

I mean, better this than refusing to alter the requirements because "it wouldn't be fair to the people who already acquired it"


We have altered the deal...

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by JesusInMalibu

I know it's been said enough already but I'm honestly almost kind of glad when any developer delays a major release like this since it shows they care enough to make the launch goes right instead of meeting some arbitrary deadline.

Unrelated, but any word on if PS4 exclusives are enabled on Xbox and PC before Shadowkeep? Possibly when cross-save happens later this month?

Also, congrats on the baby, Cozmo!!

Thanks! Just got home this morning. Everyone is doing great.