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Ive been contemplating writing this for about a year or so now. But its been feeling very heavy on my chest recently and I feel the best place to show my feelings on this is on this thread. Im not even sure where to start but here i go.

It all started when my brother and I really wanted a playstation 4. (Age 16). We kept trying to think of ways to convince our father to buy us one. Eventually we came across the Destiny playstation 4 bundle. It was all white. We thought it was so awesome. But we had never even heard of "Destiny". We did some research and decided "eh I guess this game is cool".

Eventually the beta came out and we downloaded it during the last 3 hours of the beta. My brother tried the titan and i tried the hunter. We instantly fell in love. We didn't even care about the playstation 4 anymore. We preordered it on our playstation 3s and awaited launch day.

I chose warlock because it was the only one we didnt try and yes. This is why im a warlock and always will be lol just because i didnt try it in the beta. We grinded and grinded and absolutely fell in love with this universe. Our cousin had bought the game and introduced us to his friend. Then his friend introduced us to his friend and then his friend introduced us to his brother. We had 5 people (the brothers shared their ps3) so we needed 1 more to finally attempt the "Vault of Glass". We asked a random person in the tower who was also 26 in level. Lets call him Zoro. He agreed to try it with us and of course it didnt go well but it was so much fun. We added eachother and we all tried everyday to complete this raid.

Eventually as time passed we grew closer to eachother. We all found out we lived in the same city. We all agreed that one day we should all meet up and hang out as a real raid team. Eventually we made the clan The Uglies and to this day we still call ourselves that.

Fast forward a bit and the taken king is out. Boy are we excited. Made many new friends along the way. But as hard mode was released for the raid our friend Zoro vanished. Never came back online. To this day I still check to see if he ever comes back online but sadly he hasnt.

We all ended up meeting up and it was so much fun. We had so many laughs but it just didnt feel right without Zoro being there. Eventually the raid grew apart. Of course were still friends and talk and hang out all the time but what i mean is we dont play destiny anymore.

Once Rise of Iron came out we attempted the raid once. We used Lfg and got this random guy whom has completed it before and he was a total douchebag and ruined our experience.

Everyone grew older. Needed jobs. Started lives. Got girlfriends. Moved on from this Destiny world we damn near lived in.

Destiny 2 came my brother, 1 friend and I bought the game. That right there is what let me know that our Destiny adventures were over. We finally made a new clan. "The Disciples of Zorovich" For remembrance of our dear friend Zoro. We played the game. Beat the story. Grinded and grinded but once the Leviathan raid was out we gave up. We had no interest in finding new friends for we were in fear that everyone was just going to be an asshole.

Every dlc that comes out makes me so excited. Every thing thats ever announced gets me so excited. I buy every dlc and play all the stories and it gets me so hyped but eventually i stop. For the lack of my friends interest. Even my brother has stopped now and im the only one left who even bats an eye towards this game.

I have so many stories i could share like us staying up for 22 hours trying to beat Skolas in the prison of elders on the day the house of wolves had been released. Or how many times our freaking friend pulled the gjallahorn. Or how it became an inside joke that zoro would take breaks to smoke a cig between bosses. But i must wrap this up now.

Now even though this story seems a bit sad I just want to thank bungie for all the laughs, adventures, friends, and everything else it brought to me. I now am 21 (close to 22) and I live with my friend and his brother. They had helped me so much growing up. My parents fighting getting divorced. Having to move to my grandmas because of the chaos that unfolded between them. I always had my boys to cheer me up and are now letting me live with them.

Its honestly so crazy. I constantly think about how different my life would be if I never even played this game and as I write this i shed tears of joy but thanks bungie and thanks to you guys. The community for also providing the content and other stories of people who have also been greatly affected by this game. I still check up on this game but i think its time i put it down. Once again thanks Bungie for everything and if you guys read this all the way thanks. Love you guys.

-Avyator98 Guardian Veteran.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

It all started when my brother and I really wanted a playstation 4. (Age 16). We kept trying to think of ways to convince our father to buy us one. Eventually we came across the Destiny playstation 4 bundle. It was all white. We thought it was so awesome. But we had never even heard of "Destiny". We did some research and decided "eh I guess this game is cool".

When I was 11, my older brother and I got an Xbox as a gift, and eventually Halo. We'd jump in weekly (sometimes nightly) for some crazy campaign fun. Loved reading this and remembering those times. He just started playing Destiny 2 recently, and has been pinging me every so often about the fun he's having as a Titan. We really need to get a game night in soon...

Honestly, games rise and fall for some folks. There are many games that I spent hundreds of hours on as a kid that I don't play anymore, which is perfectly alright in my book. I'll hold many of those memories close. The friends I made along the way, some I consider as close as family, keep in touch. What once was a nightly ritual for my brother an I will forever be a fond memory. Hell, maybe we'll rekindle our gameplay ritual in a future season of Destiny 2.

Thanks for sharing your story. Thanks for being a player. Thanks for being a Guardian. Hell, cheers to you for being a younger sibling.