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Lightfall update is already possible on PS5, and shows the new title screen/music.

Beware, you can't log in to the game anymore after updating.

EDIT: Log in animation and full title music: https://youtu.be/Cl6mSqumJF4

EDIT: Issue appears to have been resolved. You need to delete and then reinstall D2 to return to a playable version.

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over 1 year ago - /u/BNGHelp - Direct link

Greetings. Hope ya'll have enjoyed the new menu music!

The PS5 preload of Lightfall was accidentally released early in Japan and Europe. We've just finished rolling back the preload so that no one else will be affected.

Those currently affected need to perform the following:

  1. Uninstall the game

  2. Go to “Game Library”

  3. Select “Your Collection”

  4. Select the Destiny 2 icon

  5. Select the PS5 version

  6. On the D2 store page, select "Download” to reinstall D2

over 1 year ago - /u/BNGHelp - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBurgerLorf

Those currently affected need to perform the following:

Will there be issues for people who got the preload and don't follow these instructions?

Other than not being able to play Destiny 2, no.

Edit: This is until Lightfall drops.

over 1 year ago - /u/BNGHelp - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOverallThinker

How can you ensure people downloading normally tomorrow (when they are actually supposed to) will not face the same issue of needing to reinstall?

The measures above are only needed if ps5 players want to play D2 today. It won’t be possible to play D2 tomorrow until Lightfall launch, so there would be no reason to perform a reinstall.

over 1 year ago - /u/BNGHelp - Direct link

Originally posted by LordRickonStark

only until lightfall drops, right? or would you suggest to delete it in any case and re-download it just to be sure

Only until Lightfall drops.