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Just saying

One or two season pass levels for a full clear is optimistic but here's hoping.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Now that we are in the second season where XP has been made much more important with the season pass we are gathering feedback from the community on improving how is XP is earned.

The majority of feedback I am seeing from players is to increase the amount of XP is giving from activities so there is not as much of an emphasis on always concentrating on completing bounties. I'll be sure to include the suggestion that raids should have their XP gains increased as well. Thanks for the feedback!

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by MizterF

The problem (not mentioned by Cozmo) is the very real threat of AFK/idle players farming XP in playlists (if it becomes a profitable source) and ruining the experience for everyone they are match made with. Sure, this wouldn't affect the raid, but it would for strikes, crucible, gambit, menagerie, sundial, etc...

I know we have done some work to combat idling and will continue to work to prevent it. Are you still seeing a lot of players AFK/idling and claiming it's profitable?

about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by DefinitelyNotThatJoe

I occasionally run into players who macro either in crucible, usually rumble, and in strikes.

I don't see how y'all can fix that other than having something like "If player doesn't kill an enemy in five minutes then they get booted" or having a vote to kick option.

I do know after some changes in the Shadowkeep timeframe, Idling in Crucible/Strikes was reduced as players weren't getting rewards.

We'll check with the team to dig a bit deeper and see if more can be done.