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This is my own observation from today as I could not find the information elsewhere. It seems everyone's loot from trials is the same today.

3 wins: Scout Rifle

5 wins: Rocket Launcher

7 wins: Fusion Rifle

Flawless: Gauntlets/Emblem/Materials

If you spend your tokens it seems you can only earn rewards you unlocked from trials, and have to wait for the next week to get more armor. Either that or it rotates daily. I really have no use for any of the things in rotation at the moment and the loot is just sub-par today.

I just want the helmet and trials armor, not even weapons, that’s what I was excited most about. If it's weekly, I personally think it's absurd I'd have to go flawless 5-weeks in a row to get a full set. If that's the case it's really souring the experience for me.

Can /u/dmg04 or /u/Cozmo23 confirm whether or not the rewards rotate, and if they rotate daily/weekly? I'd like to know if I can get the armor this week or if I'm restricted to one unique piece per week.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We can confirm that Trials rewards will rotate each week and you will not be required to go flawless to earn armor.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by JiRPyJiRP

Can you tell us when this will go into effect? From people I know, playing trials yesterday, there were no armor drops without going flawless. Was that a first 24 hrs thing? First weekend thing? I don’t have the skills to go flawless but I’ll grind it out for wins and chests if it will drop armor....
