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Time and time again, Warlocks get the short hand in almost every update. Sure, the new top tree solar class is fun, but it’s oddly specific and requires a lot of skill to be a master of it in PvP. In PvE this build is most viable with Sunbracers and with enemies that can be killed in one hit with the new ranged melee. As soon as higher leveled enemies spawn in, the abilities begin to fall behind other classes and you find yourself floating, attempting to get kills and not succeeding, which is against the whole point of the new super build.

In regards to the super, there is absolutely no reason for removing/nerfing burst glide. What should have happened is balancing the other glides to make them up to par with burst. Doing so completely ruined a subclass and left it far too vulnerable.

Also, have you even acknowledged how incredibly slow melees are? It’s pointless trying to melee Titans/Hunters as they can get TWO HITS IN BEFORE WE CAN BEGIN OUR SECOND. How has this not been addressed? For three years. And no. Handheld supernova doesn’t balance it out. It only “balances out” one tree in one subclass of a super (which it’s super was nerfed to the ground). The point is, warlocks are so far behind Titans and hunters that it’s ridiculous and incredibly frustrating. It’s quite clear Bungie favors Titans/Hunters over Warlocks. How did we go from what was in D1 to what we have now?

And please, for the love of all things holy, fix nova warp. It’s absurd how quickly you jumped into action to essentially remove it from any point of usefulness. At the same time, you let hunters have a broken super for months, seemed to ignore the spawn killing that followed them, and let them run around as if it was normal. Nova warp lasted for what seemed like 2 weeks. Now it’s only used when we have a grenade bounty to complete.

And exotics. We do have unique and cool exotics, but tell me, do we have anything remotely close to as powerful as OEM? No. Have we ever? No. Basically, we get perks in armor that try make our perks more useful, but end up failing. Take sanguine alchemy. The perk is awesome... but we can only use it every few minutes while we wait for our rift to recharge. While our fellow Titans and Hunters have armor that lets you see through walls, heals you, gives you a damage buff, or makes you invisible. Tell me, when will warlocks get something that’s actually a new perk instead of an ability enhancement for PvP gear?

And why do essentially all warlock gear look like dresses? We’re space magic warriors, not some child dressing up for a formal dinner party. There is no reason why we should look the way we do. There are very few pieces that make Warlocks look and feel powerful, very few. And why does the new warlock exotic boots look like we have a weird fettish for toes? And what the hell happened to warlock bonds? At least in D1 we had cool projections. Now we get sweat bands with the occasional metallic paint job.

Bungie, Warlocks desperately need some love. For whatever reason, your updates keep leaving warlocks behind. This needs to stop.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by LordDeathkeeper

As a warlock main, I don’t think Bungie hates me, but I do think that we have as good of a chance of getting our melee speed fixed as Hard Light has a chance of ever getting its screen shake removed.

What if I were to tell you that the team is looking to address both in future season? It’s still far too early to give specifics on the proposed changes as we have the gauntlet of testing to run through. Gotta make sure we don't introduce any new bugs or balance issues.

Once we have more info, we’ll let you know.