Original Post — Direct link

We just overtook /r/FortniteBR to become the 7th biggest video game subreddit! When I say 'game subreddit', I mean subreddit dedicated to a single game or a game franchise.

Here is the list:

Ranking Name Size
/r/gaming 23,997,975
1 /r/leagueoflegends 3,462,787
/r/pcmasterrace 2,990,642
/r/PS4 2,741,520
2 /r/Overwatch 2,582,626
3 /r/pokemongo 2,154,906
4 /r/Minecraft 2,116,213
/r/Games 1,982,118
5 /r/pokemon 1,898,897
/r/xboxone 1,622,944
/r/pcgaming 1,596,058
/r/NintendoSwitch 1,420,693
/r/nintendo 1,306,207
6 /r/wow 1,221,672
7 /r/DestinyTheGame 1,174,842
8 /r/FortNiteBR 1,174,799
9 /r/hearthstone 1,139,241
10 /r/GlobalOffensive 941,647
12 /r/apexlegends 821,674

The source for the list was here (http://redditlist.com/sfw/category/gaming) but it is not comprehensive. If you spot a sub that is missing from the list, please let me know!

I included the platform subs (PS4, Nintendo etc) for completeness, but didn't include them in the ranking because the subs are general and not dedicated to a single game/franchise.

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link


over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by toplessrobot

