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There is a single Fallen strike out of however many strikes in the game. It literally just leads to people going into the lost sectors and not even doing the strike properly (yes I'm guilty of this myself) and this is because they don't want to have to run the strike 2, 3 maybe 4 times to get it done. Everybody running Exodus Crash is probably only there to do THAT bounty. So it turns into a fight over who can get the most Fallen lol.

These bounties just encourage people to play in weird, unhelpful ways focusing more on running off than the actual strike. Just make it "Kill 400 enemies" so we can do that actively as we play strikes normally.

Strikes are already pretty unrewarding and, in my personal opinion, a boring slog to get through each week. Please don't force us to play them longer, and in stupid ways just for bounties.

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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the post. I think I replied to one of these a few weeks back, but the major feedback points I’ve shot to the team are...

  • Competing for kills can be frustrating, players would like to see shared fireteam progress
  • There aren’t enough strikes that feature large amounts of Fallen consistently. Strikes like Arms Dealer can have a bunch of fallen, or be mostly cabal. This prevents natural feeling progress on the bounty

Thanks again for the continued feedback.