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  • Increased the rate that the Unbreakable offensive throw charges up when blocking damage. (oh that’s nice)

  • Increased max damage dealt from the offensive throw by 20%. (hey that’s pretty good)

  • Increased the health pool of the shield to make it less likely to break when under heavy fire. (It already makes you feel invulnerable but I dig it.)

  • Increased the Void Overshield charge rate while holding the shield. (Oh cool)

  • Throw now costs half of a grenade-energy charge instead of a full charge. (HOLY sh*t REALLY????)

So, on top of it being an absolute mobile fortress, the blast now charges faster, hurts more, and uses half of the grenade energy???


Since armamentarium gives two grenade charges, you can use the first charge, take damage, use the blast and do it again with ZERO cooldown. Sure, this is technically already possible but the blast using 100% of a grenade charge sometimes meant there would be a small-to-moderate window where you couldn’t use again it after the blast. Now, that’s totally gone because the blast uses only 50% AND blocking damage still gives a metric sh*t ton of grenade energy.

With unbreakable, you might now be able to spam cure with prismatic, have constant uptime on enemy taunts, and, I’m assuming, a near-permanent overshield.

You took consecration from me and gave me this (eh not really I’m sure it will still be good). I accept this trade.

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about 2 months ago - /u/Destiny2Team - Direct link

It's not a question of what did we do to unbreakable, rather, what will YOU do WITH unbreakable?