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This happens when the opposing team only has 1 live left. Since everybody dies the same time and respawns at the same time, everyone comes back even thou only 1 should have.

Here is an example: https://imgur.com/a/LfV9Yk7

I lost several games because of that. Pretty sure more people have noticed that too. Either way, it's a bug that should be adressed.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks, we will look into it.

Edit: I spoke with the dev team and this is by design. We were trying to address the problem of when you have 1 shared life left and everyone dies at once through a Multikill, who gets to come back and use that last life for the Team?

When a Multikill happens, there is no simple way to understand who died first, so we don’t know who “deserves” to come back. Instead of being frustrated at the teammate who got magically chosen to be brought back in, we decided it was better to revive everyone. It is an infrequent edge case, and we felt it was a better team experience to not have to be angry at your teammates because they got in and you didn’t.

Feel free to give any feedback on this but that's the current thinking. Thanks!