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Now, this is a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place and Bungie deserve a lot of criticism for the Season of the Worthy. But I'd like to say thanks to those who was on the forefront of fixing this.

I imagine it was a pretty intense couple of days: identifying the issue, fixing it, coordinating efforts to pack it up in the hotfix, send it for approval and prepare servers for the update, all done in a span of essentially two or three days, while working from home.

So yeah, good job and kudos to those who've worked on this.

Edit: if it turns out the quest is still broken or something else in the game broke afterwards, please don't @ me.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Sometimes we luck out, where something can be fixed server side.

Other times, we strike out, having issues identifying the bug, developing a fix, or ending up finding more bugs in testing.

Stars aligned for this fix. Couldn't hit it server side, but the issue was identified rather quickly and the fix was straight forward. Team kicked ass, and we absolutely didn't want this to be something that was blocked for the remainder of the season.

Hope you enjoy the remainder of the quest.

almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by JackSparrah

Any chance of sharing what the problem and the fix were? Considering the straightforward nature of it, Iā€™m sure a lot of people (myself including) would appreciate a little peak behind the scenes

While I can't give the exacts (because I'm nowhere near as smart as our testers), I can say that it was an awkward interaction between a "private" quest instance and a "public" destination.

This is why we were able to confirm rather quickly that something was off - respawning at the moon LZ was not intended whatsoever.

almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by LittleGayDragon

Does that mean it wasn't found before release because it's tested in private servers?

Nah, it's not so simple as that. The team does a lot of work to replicate the environment you play in. Far more bugs would make it through if those steps weren't taken.

That said, something wasn't right here. We probably won't be releasing a deep-dive on exactly what went wrong. It was a moment to learn from so we can prevent bugs like this from happening in the future, which is awesome.