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I know you want us to experience more “you had to be there moments” with your inspiration being a WoW event that took place. But I think having to be there loses its luster when content gets constantly taken away.

New Player: “Man that armor looks dope. Where’d you get it?”

Vet: “Oh the Sundial... but you can’t play it anymore, try opening some engrams”

New Player: “Oh..... well that weapon looks cool. How do I get this?”

Vet: “Ah this is from the Vex Invasion.... but they took it away. Just hope for a random drop”

New Player“...oh”.

Doesn’t sound very exciting does it? But you know what IS exciting? Beloved content that you want to talk about. Bungie I would be playing for game if it wasn’t for The Whisper of The Worm mission.

I found out about Destiny because the community was so excited about something that it was trending on twitter. That’s I came across this game. I knew nothing about anything but I could see how freaking excited everyone was. And a excited community is a welcoming community. I got carried thru the Whisper mission with no mic by 2 guys dressed in identical armor and shaders who already had the Whisper. All I did was point to the gun and crouch at them to show my excitement. Got a invite 15 seconds later. I still have the pictures saved on my PS4.

I wasn’t there for when the mission initially dropped. But the excitement surrounding it was so great that it MADE me want to be here. And now I am.

I don’t mind a season pass. But unlike the last one, you can’t take a new person thru it. You can’t explain what’s going on as you help them. And as a person who was once new, there is nothing more exciting than someone helping you out who is also excited about explaining things.

I just think that “you had to be there” moments are at their best when it’s built up by the excitement of the players and not a time limit on the content. The community freaked out with the Whisper, they lost it at the Black Spindle mission, they immortalized Trevor, they were in awe at the Dreaming City being cursed.

I don’t know if this will be seen or not, but please don’t try and force these moments by taking things away. I understand storage limitations and things of that nature. If that’s the issue, I understand. But don’t lump these two things together in a attempt to make it seem like you want us to cherish these things.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

Pulling the quote from our Season in Destiny 2's Third Year blogpost, where the "You had to be there when..." quote originates:

Doing this allows us to evolve the world—narratively, but potentially physically as well. It is not possible to keep Destiny frozen in place to allow all activities to live forever while also changing the world in meaningful ways. This strategy lets our team be agile and innovative. We believe that Destiny will grow even better when the world state can change, and that the best Destiny stories are the ones where “you had to be there when….”

I've bolded a piece to give it a bit more spotlight. There are technical and developmental limitations involved where we cannot continue to support an additional activity with every single release. When I say support, this could be translated as numerous things: supporting bug fixes every release if something comes up in a new patch, refreshing rewards to keep activities relevant/engaging, or even general install size of Destiny 2 as new things are added season to season.

There was a bit more context from Luke for this in the Director's Cut: Part III blogpost:

I alluded to some of this when we were Looking Back. The game continuing to grow forever isn’t something we can support. Destiny’s simulation, fidelity, and architecture fundamentally make it a big game. I’ve seen a lot of “game X does it, why can’t Destiny?” but the referenced games and ours have very different technical profiles.

Technical limitations aside, we also don’t think making a game that grows forever is Destiny’s path forward. It’s why the second component of the vision is a single, evolving world (to clarify, that single evolving world doesn’t mean there’s only one destination on the Director—that’s not where we’re heading!).

Narratively, this gives the team opportunity to create world changing experiences. With the transition from Season of Undying to Season of Dawn: Defeat the Undying Mind, stop the Vex Offensive, set the stage for Osiris/St. 14. We saw some negative feedback when the Undying Mind was defeated as the payoff was delayed. To paraphrase a post I read on this subreddit: "Why did I have to be here if I still waited three weeks after beating the boss?" On the other side, we saw a lot of positive feedback around the storylines of Osiris/Saint 14. In other words - things we can improve on, and things we can drive more of.

I greatly appreciate all of the feedback on this topic. The team has been digesting it as they develop future seasons for Year 3.

about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Stewbeef12

Thanks for the reply DMG. As I said in my post I understand that content is being removed because Destiny 2 can’t grow forever. Eventually we’ll get Destiny 3. But I just want you guys to know that “you had to be there” moments have always come from really cool missions, sometimes bugs, and general community joy. Those moments can’t be forced.

Thanks for the post! I didn't say it specifically (which I should have) - there is no intention to force these moments by removing content. We have things to improve on to make some of these moments more impactful. Wanted to provide the reasoning in case people had missed the previous posts.