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To quote the TWAB:

My challenge to every Guardian is to look to the human element in Destiny 2 to fuel your appetite for ultimate re-playability. The ultimate loot is the friendships that can grow out of a game like this. There will be more gear to add to your character (next week, even). The rewards that I’m talking about are the people in the community that thrives in this game. If you let them, they’ll make your hobby as a light-dealing hero on a starside campaign for glory even better.

We got the above message from our friendly Community Manager Deej and I am not ok with this answer.

While yes, Destiny is awesome for making friends who go beyond a game (I have done jsut that), that immeasurable aspect of a game does not make up for the lack of a real end-game within it. Saying that "it's ok there's nothing to do because you can play with friends" is bullsh*t. It really is. The hardcore players, and soon the more casual ones, have or will reach the endgame and find it severely lacking, and no amount of friends will make that better.

So what if you make the best friends in the world in Destiny 2? The endgame is just not there and the motivation for laying isnt as well. I have made some of the best friends i've ever had with this game, yet we are all finding it hard to find reasons to play. This game is just shallow and without a purpose, why play?

The endgame of Destiny 1 (Y1, Y2, or Y3) is still vastly superior to the watered down, shallow incarnation we currently have, and now we see that Bungie doesn't really care what we, the vocal hardcore minority think. We aren't their market and this paragraph shows it.

We all bought this game hoping for the best, and in some ways we got great strides, but overall I think the community is coming around to see that Destiny 2 wasn't gold at all, but just a rock painted gold. Sure we can smash things with the rock, but we don't look as good doing it (bad analogy I know).

...I read that statement and it made me angry. Angry not because I disagreed with the idea that friends are great, but angry that Bungie just does not care about what we, the hardcore players who defended Destiny 1 in the bad times, who played it when we could have let it die, who hyped up the sequel and found secrets that became news stories, have been left behind. This isn't our game anymore and honestly, i'm about done with it. When I take Destiny 2 out of my PS4 in the next week or so because i'm tired of not getting anything or progressing or having something to do, I'm not sure if i'll put it back in...no matter what my friends are doing.

EDIT: Good lord, this blew up my inbox hard...I want to say that while Deej delivers the TWAB, he is just the messenger and has to write what he's told. While this message sounds out of touch and not what we wanted to hear, the point that this post and our thoughts on the endgame have been recognized is still a big win for us I think. Also, thanks for the Gold whoever gave it.

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almost 7 years ago - /u/DeeJ_BNG - Direct link

Reddit, that was a personal note from me about a nice moment I had with a long-lived friend of mine, not an official statement about Bungie's attitude about the endgame. I've always been a community guy. That's why I play games. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not an elite Raider or a 1%er in the Crucible. Games are another social outlet for me - a collaborative, tactical roleplay for an old improvisational actor who has always loved action movies. Destiny is a social game, and we have a lot of new players in our community who have never joined a Clan or opened their experience to another human voice. My personal story was as a positive example to inspire them to take a chance on us. If you seek more reasons to play, I'll see you in Iron Banner next week. If Crucible isn't your thing, good luck in the Prestige Raid. I'll sit that out. When the designers tell me they don't expect everyone to complete that, I know what they mean. Peace.