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Umbrals dropping powerful drops? People AFK farming a activity or found a cheese to make it easy? Someone found a free powerful chest in a activity like in Crota's End? Better fix that right away!

Contact boss triumph counting the wrong boss? Perk on Umbral Recaster making it take double energy to level? Sprinting bugged? We won't comment on it let alone fix it till next month.

THIS RIGHT HERE is why people go on about how Bungie have a "play OUR way" attitude.

Edit: I have seen a lot of people say "It's not that simple" and "Low effort post" and... honestly, yeah. But think on this for a second. This post got over 700 upvotes despite being JUST a "Bungie fix helpful bugs and don't fix hurtful bugs" post.

Even if the argument COULD be made in Bungie's favor... doesn't that show a MAJOR image flaw in them? At least 700 people 100% beleive this to be a deliberate case of something Bungie does on purpose. Bungie has a serious image problem made by 7 years of 1 step forwards two steps back, and people are tired of it.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Some have already pointed out some of the technical reasons on why some fixes are able to made quickly, while others take more time. If we ever fix something within a day or so that usually means that it was something that was able to be fixed server-side and didn't require a lot of testing to verify. It's always nice when we have that option, but it's not always the case and most bugs require an update to the game which is a much more complex process that takes more time and testing.

We have an update currently in flight which should go out tomorrow that addresses some high priority issues such as the controller sprint bug and a blocking issue on the opening quest. Sorry that these fixes take some time. We're working on it.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by linkinzpark88

What about Gambit dropping 750s and the Prime Engrams for my Warlock dropping Hunter gear?

Working on a fix for these.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Just because you can fix something doesn't mean you should. Maybe it was better broken.

That is definitely feedback I can give the team. I'll let them know that many players would rather the powerful rewards continue to drop from Umbral Engrams.