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Disclaimer: this method isn’t a guarantee for winning (since the opposing team might be a 4 stack using this method) but it should greatly and significant AND substantially enhance you’re chances of winning a gambit prime match.

I wanted to share this method with everyone in case they weren’t aware of it. I’ve been using this method for a while now and it seems when everyone on the team uses it, it works insanely well. I recently brought in 21 invader kills in a match using this method.

The Brass Tacks: The most important thing to do for this cheese to work is... the moment you are standing by to deploy, look at your teammates. It’s crucial for this cheese to work. If you notice:

  • Red snake on armor: that’s your guy who is going into the portal! Not you... not unless you have red gambit prime armor on. The guy with the red armor is going in, he can lock their bank AND steal motes. Also, let this guy grab heavy first. If he goes in without grabbing the heavy, then have at it.

  • White snake on armor: this guy picks up the glowing pyramid triangles... they will most likely try to grab ALL OF THEM UNTIL THEY AFE FULL AND READY TO BANK. So just do him a favor and stay out of the way and kill sh*t from a distance to keep him alive best you can. Don’t run after those white triangles, you stay back a little bit until he’s done. And if you accidentally grab one, you should feel guilty on the inside, like how you do because you haven’t donated to the Australian wildfire relief efforts yet. When he heads to the bank, go ahead and get the scraps. He won’t make it back in time for them. If he banks 20, it sends a giant blocker which drains enemy motes and locks their bank, it also gives the RED SNAKES ARMOR guy more chances to go kill the opposing team, deny motes, and drain motes!

  • Yellow snake on armor: this player protects the bank, they kill the blockers the enemy send over. Feel free to provide free DPS on blockers, they’ll appreciate the help. These guys are clutch because they can spot the invaders too. This guy can do work with malfeasance or riskrunner and a shotgun.

  • Green snake on armor: now... hopefully this is a stormcaller with crown of tempests on. If not, well then sh*t they might be f*cking worthless (ok sorry slova-bombers, doomfang titans, kamehameha warbros, burning man warlocks, and raiden flux pole dancers, you’re all amazing too), but f*ck it, help this guys kill as many ads as possible. But again, remember that neither you or green snake armor guy should be grabbing triangles, that’s only for white snake

    guy, okay? Good.

The cheese: Support your teammates and let them do their job.

A few more notes: If you hear Drifter McConaughey say “invader on the field” THEN SEEK AND DESTROY THEM (unless you got 20 glowing pyramids, then go hide under the bed like if sexual harassment panda were coming upstairs to get your ass). There’s an exotic HC called malfeasance that does great against taken. Breakneck sucks (considering the grind). Delirium 21% is a must have. Curated roll gnawing hunger is OPAF. Nightwatch can roll rapid hit/explosive payload 👀. Truth is good for invaders on both sides. Fusion rifles are underrated in gambit prime and put out really good damage against primevals (especially everyone’s favorite comp sniper, the Erentil). Riskrunner is great when hive or fallen are on the field. If you get scorn the easiest way to do this round is to pull out your ghost and return to orbit.

And finally, if you’re missing the gambit prime armor and really wanna get you some, you’ll need the jokers wild pass and there’s an activity called reckoning that you can go play to farm the armor. Reckoning can be a lot of fun, kind of like bashing your head against the wall for a couple of hours. You’ll need to literally farm almost every god damn piece of armor to work your way up to the tier 3 armor, it’ll also take you 3 weeks to get a full set of tier 3 armor. So f*ck that noise amirite?!


TL:DR: Let the invaders invade and the collectors collect, FFS people.

Follow up:

Winning theme of the comments: f*ck you teammates, I’m gunna do me

There’s alternate Reaper builds folks. Bottom tree with Doomfang, dragonball z warlock, and raider flux pole dancer!

Solution to two Invaders: Dance off best one gets to invade

The number next to the guardians name is how many motes they have... if that number is 9, 14, or 19 then please dont slide steal the last mote

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for your report of the cheese. We'll be sure to pass it along.