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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48980

This Wednesday, April 29, we’re planning to release Destiny 2 Hotfix This patch will have fixes for bugs that have popped recently, and also has a quick tuning pass for a weapon that’s been shining a little too bright in the Crucible since Season of the Worthy began. 

Hard Light, a name that may either strike fear or pure joy in your heart, will be the subject of today’s article. Here are some notes from the team on how this weapon will be tuned come tomorrow morning:

Dev Team: Hard Light has been at the forefront due to a combination of recent adjustments to improve its usability and the adjustments to Auto Rifles that came with patch 2.8.0.

Most of the adjustments coming on Wednesday are to address its usage for mouse and keyboard users since the ability to precisely aim regardless of range allows you to use the weapon at longer distances, on top of being able to use ricochets more effectively.

Although weapons like the Fighting Lion can also do what Hard Light does for indirect fire, they are generally less effective during a direct confrontation. Hard Light boasts a lot of great stats, and its impact grows with more players using it - eventually no cover is safe. As such, we’re reducing some of the aspects that allow for indirect fire and unexpected lethality in odd scenarios, while still retaining some of the bonuses to keep the flavor.

  • Hard Light

    • Hard Light's damage falloff now floors at 0.7x (Auto Rifles use 0.5x standard).
    • Split ricochet bonus damage between PvE and PvP.
      • PvE damage remains at 2.0x damage.
      • PvP damage is now 1.35x damage.
    • Removed a hidden recoil adjustment that made the weapon more stable than intended.

Stay tuned to Bungie.net for official patch notes, and @BungieHelp on Twitter for updates on our release timeline.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Before folks ask: We are not reverting the recoil adjustments that were released at the beginning of the season. This tuning is separate