Original Post — Direct link

I must admit- this is the most challenging raid we've fought and yet we conquered it. I also have to applaud Bungie for assigning us with impossible tasks to complete (communicating while switching blessing, clearing knights/ogres, getting Gahlran to thwack Gahlran's Deception, etc.)

Here's the picture of our clear- https://i.imgur.com/FLhqq6k.jpg

I did stream the final encounter and it's in the videos tab, gonna PM me for the link. Sorry Mod.

Of course, flawless run is in our plans.

P.S.: Bungie, if you are trying to make this sh*t virtually impossible for deaf raiders, we WILL get the job done.

EDIT: We play on the PC platform

EDIT2: Thank you for Gold and Silver!

EDIT3: Thanks for Platinum! For those wondering, we converse using American Sign Language on a video conferencing software called Zoom (other than party chat)

EDIT4: The callouts I used for CoS raid-

  • C- Crystal
  • S- Switch blessing
  • X- No buff (ie- died or melee'ing Gahlran's Deception)
  • D- Gahlran's Deception down

Only need to use the first two (C/S) in both first and third encounters. Puzzle is pretty easy without communication, just be on lookout for crystals. :)

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Awesome job!