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So 24 weekly bounties and ~445 daily bounties later, I finally got one, the one which made me do 25 forges.

The best thing is, my friend got one too, at the same time as me, so we did the quest together.

(Whisper is still better lol)

Edit: I was joking about the Whisper, Izanagi's with catalyst is obviously better, but I suck at reloading to Honed Edge x4, so I prefer the Whisper. I've been able to try out Izanagi's on my friends account in GoS raid, but I've been using Whisper myself, and most likely am still gonna do so.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Glad you got it, sorry it took so long.

We have been working on a change to make getting the rare bounties less of a pain. Currently planned for an upcoming update later this month.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by HiddnAce

Glad you got it, sorry it took so long.

We have been working on a change to make getting the rare bounties less of a pain. Currently planned for an upcoming update later this month.

Come on, man! What about those still hunting Y1 raid catalysts, raid weapons, and cosmetics like the sparrow, emote, and ghost shell??? I'm 106 sparrow chests deep. :(

I'll pass along your feedback that you would like drop rates increased for y1 raid catalysts, raid weapons, and raid cosmetics. Thanks.