Original Post — Direct link

Here are all the items that will be sold by Eververse for Festival of the Lost 2019. The first image shows which items are Silver Only and which items that will sell for Dust. The second image is a breakdown of what the Eververse store will look like for the next three weeks. Subject to change.

Want to double check? I made a video that walks you through the process of "reading" the Eververse data. You can watch that HERE. Note: The audio is a little low. I'm not good at videos. >.<

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Skater_Bruski

/u/cozmo23 this feedback is something that you guys should be paying attention to. I'm sure the numbers show this is worthwhile because whales support it, but when the brand gets known for being greedy you guys lose the benefit of the doubt on other things.

Please pass this along to whoever needs to hear it, the community is not happy.

Sincerely, someone with 3000 hours on Destiny 2.

We are definitely monitoring the feedback and letting the team know. Feel free to add any feedback on Festival of the Lost or Eververse in general that you would like us to pass along.