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I spent all of last season grinding for pinnacle gear. In the very final week of the season of the undying, i finally got all of my characters gear score to 960.

Usually my favorite part of a Destiny season is when i have reached max power and i can infuse up all of my favorite weapons to max power. I can also start looking for armor which has the appearance and perks i want and focus on infusing that up to max power so i finally have a guardian who looks like i want with a large variety of weapons i want to use and with the armor perks i want. Being at max power for a period of time feels good.

With power increasing again in season of the dawn, the amount of time i had to play at max power was 0. I would have preferred power level not increase next season so i could spend a season playing with the exact gear i wanted (and a large variety of viable max power weapons) rather than just using whatever is currently at max power and looking like an ugly dog for most of the season because its not worth the cost to upgrade your favorie stuff everytime you gain a power level or two.

Does anyone else feel like that or are you all dying to jump back into a new power level grind? Thanks for the discussion.

EDIT: For those who missed it here is DMG04's comment that power level IS increasing next season : https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1202360439989915650?s=20

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Check out the TWAB because it's not a full 50 Power increase.


Powerful and Pinnacle Reward Caps

Powerful Cap: 960, up from 950

Pinnacle Cap: 970, up from 960

Let us know what you think.