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What a hoot.

This forgotten mediocre exotic is ultra broken in Mayhem. Run top tree shadow shot and put on some Gemini Jesters, you won't regret it. Continuously dodge to permanently stay invisible while disorienting people trying to cast their supers - through walls. Literally just run along thin walls invis and disorient everyone.

Constantly ruining supers with tether. Constantly disorienting. Constantly getting credit for other people's kills, boosting the team score. It is a total blast and it benefits your team. Honestly the most fun I have had in Mayhem in a while.

Edit: Throw on a tractor too, I did. Looked nice next to my shiny Fun Police Badge.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by LarryLevis

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

One day, I saw a child playing with a Jubilant Rune the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.