Original Post — Direct link

In the description of the regional Prophecy teaser trailers on YouTube there is a line at the bottom which says "Dungeon only available during Season of Arrivals". This means this endgame Dungeon which is free for all players will disappear in 3 months time.

It's an incredible piece of content and doesn't deserve to disappear like the Sundial, Vex Offensive or Seraph Towers, this is a timeless activity and is leagues ahead of any other seasonal activity.

Please reconsider your stance, I feel a lot of the community would agree.

For reference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9-f1trGiIY

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We’re making some under-the-hood changes to how activities function when Season 12 launches (which we hope results in no noticeable changes in the activities themselves). Unfortunately, that change means our newest pinnacle activity - Prophecy – may have to take a season off before it returns. We're working to bring it back as quickly as we can.