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A: There is a bright light, and you enter the Tower. If you choose that death is preferable to listening to Tess, go to O. If not, go to B.

B: Your friends are beside you. Cayde, Zavala, Ikora, Uldren, Oryx, Tess and u/Simansis beam at you, all with things to say. To speak to Cayde, go to E. To Speak to Zavala, go to L. To speak to Ikora, go to C. To speak to Uldren, go to F. To speak to Oryx, go to H. To speak to Tess, go to I. To speak to u/Simansis, go to Comments.

C: Ikora warns you this must be done correctly. She says if you read this without following the correct pattern, the simulation will break down and the lesson will not be learned. She advises you to follow the correct pattern, just to see where this leads you. To ignore her, go to D. To heed her advice, go to N.

D: ~FOOL. YOU KNOW NOTHING. YOU HEED NOTHING.~ The simulation breaks down, and you have not learned your lesson. How will you ever become that which rules if you cannot follow a rule? You place your weapon to your temple. Go to A.

E: Cayde embraces you, and tells you how much he always admired and loved you. You use the hand that is not hugging Cayde to wipe the tear from your face. He tell you he is proud to have known you, and says you are doing so well in his absence. He says you still have more to do. To stab Cayde, go to M. To turn away and speak to someone else, go to B.

F: Uldren places a hand on your shoulder, and his Ghost hovers over his own. "I'm sorry. For everything I said and did. Can you ever forgive me? I am going to try my best to become a better person, someone who could make you proud." To stab Uldren, go to M. To accept his apology and try to help him, go to N.

G: You should not be here. There is no path that leads this way. Darkness lies before you and behind you. You have broken free of the simulation but find the real world is far worse, nothing but darkness, silence, and loneliness. You should never have come here. You draw your weapon and place it to your temple. Go to A.

H: Oryx sits, running a whet stone along his sword of despair and misery. "Have you become the Taker of things, maker of shapes?" You shake your head, your destiny unfulfilled. To stab him and sit upon his throne, go to M. To turn away from this sick fate, go to J.

I: Tess gives you a coupon for a 1% discount on shaders. You turn away from her irritating face as she still drones on about Fenchurch and dust. Go to A.

J: Oryx laughs at your weakness, but you respond with strength he cannot match. He shrivels into nothing but a weak krill, holding a tiny worm in its hands. He asks you where his sisters are, but you state you do not know. He is no longer worth your time or your effort. You ignore this pitiful creature, go to A.

K: You are filled with a deeper knowledge. The inner workings of the universe open up before you, and you are presented with a way out of this simulation. To escape back into reality, go here. To turn back for more knowledge, go to A.

L: Zavala tells you that whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold. You turn away from Zavala, as he repeats "Indeed" over and over again. Go to B.

M: His body falls limp in your arms. The others make no move to stop you. Oryx smiles, and says you have finally become that which cuts and shapes. Your own destiny lies before you, but you feel sick to your stomach when you realise what you have done. Your conscience eats at you. Go to O.

N: "You are a decent person, filled with Light and hope. The world needs ones such as you." They all say in unison. The simulation opens up, revealing the great truth you once knew, but forgot. That which is Entirely True is in fact, untrue. To learn more, go to K. To return to this dream, go to A.

O: You launch yourself from the tower, feeling the wind rush past your face. Where the buildings below should be a blur, they are in fact perfectly clear and still. You realise this is just a reddit post, and you have been sat in the toilet for too long. But you don't care, you are too involved now. Go to A.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Went straight to Zavala, was not disappointed.