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Many players don't know about it and would help to get it more populated. Promote it at every reset like the promotion of trails.

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almost 7 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by ReaLitY-Siege

Sort of.

  • You see the opening, then click in the spot to fill it.
  • Then send a friend invite to the originator of the group.
  • That person accepts your invitation, then you can join their fireteam.
  • Shoot bad guys.

I WISH it was like this: - You see the opening, then click in the spot to fill it. Friend and fireteam invitation is automatically sent, and you join up. - Shoot bad guys.

EDIT: formatting EDIT2: screw formatting

The new beta fireteams feature does not require a friend request to be sent. You see a fireteam requiring a player, you join it, and the fireteam owner can issue you a platform invite. You'll get an invite on your PS4/Xbox One directly to that fireteam, just like if they were on your friends list and invited you to their fireteam. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for PC, we're hopeful we can get that added eventually.

almost 7 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by find_me8

Yeah, i know what LfG is but, can people join automatically from the app? Or is it the same as the third party website? Thanks in advance.

Yes, the Destiny Companion allows PS4 and Xbox One users to directly join the in-game fireteams without being on someone's friend list or in the same clan. It is somewhat buried in the UI right now, we're working on it.

almost 7 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by Aerodim101

A way to not only make a fireteam, but to message them and mass invite them would be all I would need to exclusively use this app for group finding.

Currently it’s a fairly unintuitive system. I shouldn’t feel like I need to search youtube for a guide on how to use the Find Fireteam portion of the app

Messaging will be added before it comes out of beta. You can already mass invite them to your game fireteam once they have joined. There are a lot of UX bugs still needing to be fixed as well to make it more intuitive to use.

The entire reason we shipped it in such an early state was to get feedback from users about it. It makes it much easier to iterate when we're building on a solid foundation instead of ripping out things we built but weren't really the best for users. We're going to be trying that kind of thing more often, as much as possible.