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Xenophage has depressingly low DPS, doesnt crit and so on.

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt Bungie and guess that the gun is bugged. Afterall it has explosive rounds but is only popping up with 1 damage number. Not only that but I'm hearing that it did crit when tested at Pax. You also hyped this thing up a lot

Now, I love this gun. Its design, lore, sound and feel are all absolutely phenomenal and I would love for it to be a golden addition to my arsenal. But in it's current state, that wont be the case

So u/dmg04 and Bungie we need to know, right away, is this thing bugged? Please answer our concerns ASAP and get this thing hotfixed ASAP

Edit: People telling me to chill out, dont worry I'm not screeching REE to the heavens every minute we dont get an answer or spamming the dev's. Just made a post asking for an answer. And if anyone from Bungie does come by this, I love you guys I just dont wanna see another cool gun thrown in the dumpster

Edit 2: Cozmo replied! Thanks for answering guys! It's a disappointment to hear it isnt meant to do precision damage. But glad to hear its underperformance isnt intended. Love you guys and thanks for investigating

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Xenophage not doing precision damage is not a bug. The weapon underperforming is not intentional and currently being investigated.