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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48824

It’s been a while since we’ve fired up the spotlight and focused its bright gaze on an outstanding member of our community. We’re ready to get back into the habit of sharing cool people who you should you keep an eye on, so here’s a fresh Community Focus hot off the presses. 

Our focus this week is a detail-oriented master of the Crucible. You may have seen him breaking down weapons and abilities and offering his analysis on better understanding the intricacies of the Destiny combat sandbox. Please meet Drewsky. 

Welcome to the show. OK, it’s not really a show … anyways—tell us a little bit about yourself and what your role is in the Destiny community.

Drew: Hey all, I'm Drew. I started playing FPS games back during some of the early Halo titles, and since then been in love with Bungie FPS games. I've attended a few MLG events and made some great friends through competitive Halo, and that trend continued into Destiny where I've had the pleasure of attending some great community gatherings and made some lifelong friends. In my personal life, I'm a musician, and enjoy other hobbies like playing soccer and the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

I suppose that I'm best known in the Destiny community for making opinion and review videos where I try and include a high degree of depth and analysis. Second to that, I guess most people would identify me for being a controller player, sniping, and having 42,069 kills on my Twilight Oath kill counter—oh, also jamming to Taylor Swift while sniping.

That is a lot of  Twilight Oath kills! Where all can we find you on the internet?

Drew: You can find me on YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter

A Guardian has many paths to choose from. What has been your favorite Subclass and which are your favorite weapons to wield?

Drew: My favorite Subclass is definitely Spectral Blades, I think both the neutral game and Super are incredibly powerful and rewarding. Second to that, I really love the new changes to the Attunement of Sky Dawnblade. The dodge handles momentum much better now and allows for some incredible movement and plays. Both Supers remind me of some characters I like in my favorite anime, Sword Art Online, so I love the fantasy behind them.

I'm not sure I could name my absolute favorite weapons in the game, there are too many I love because of either aesthetics, functionality, or memories I have associated with them—and occasionally for all of the above. If I had to include some names that would probably find themselves in my top-ten list, they would be (in no particular order):

Izanagi's Burden

Suros Regime

The Chaperone

Not Forgotten

Twilight Oath


Mida Multi-Tool 

Redrix's Claymore

Outbreak Perfected

That’s a fine list. Tell us about your channels—what kind of Destiny content do you like to create?

Drew: My YouTube Channel is home to many hot takes, thoughts, and opinion videos. These are my best attempts to break down different elements of the sandbox and show how they work, for the purpose of better understanding the game and creating the most effective and fun loadouts possible. I do reviews on specific weapons and armor pieces (as well as comparisons between them), and sometimes show off synergistic loadouts including different weapons and armor that I find to be very effective, fun, or both. My Twitch channel is where I like to relax and be a bit more candid—usually sniping, trying out different weapons, going for cool clips, and talking with chat.

I’m sure you’ve seen the Dev Insight. Are you excited that Trials of Osiris is returning to Destiny 2?

Drew: I'm certainly excited for the return of Trials of Osiris. Like many, I have lots of fond memories and moments of Trials of Osiris in Destiny 1, and even Trials of the Nine in Destiny 2, and I'm excited to have that available again—especially since I believe I've gotten much better at the game since then. I'm most excited to have a true endgame PvP focused activity again, and I'm very excited to see the new weapons and what potential they have. 

Opening day is coming up next Friday. Do you have your Trials dream team picked out? Who’s on it?

Drew: I've most certainly picked out my Trials dream team, and of course it includes CammyCakes and Sidezz. We've played together since the beginning of Destiny 2, and I can confidently say that they are incredibly talented players and two of my best friends. We may not be the best in the game, but I feel we have great synergy together—we complement each other’s gameplay and are also very like-minded so we’re able to discuss our mishaps/losses to focus on improving.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Drew: Only last thing I'd like to add is that I think the Destiny community is fantastic, and I'm so thankful for meeting some great individuals (many I can call friends) and creating lifelong memories with them. I hope we—as players, content creators, and developers—continue to lift each other up and spread kindness to keep making great memories and grow the community.

We’d like to thank Drewsky for taking the time to chat with us. Make sure you give his channel a visit, you might learn something that will help you on your way to the Lighthouse.

We’ll be doing more Community Focus write-ups in the future. If you have anyone you think we should feature, let us know on Twitter or our forums.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Leonard_Church814

We need more community focus! There so many spectacular members in the community that need praise.

Agreed. Feel free to leave suggestions.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Xirenec_

Th3Jez for all the memes he brings to this community