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Now the key phrase in that article is "if time allows", but what exactly kept them from even making minor tweaks throughout the course of an entire season? The spawn trapping is as bad as before on a map like Dead Cliffs.

Edit: Thanks for the silver kind guardians!

Also, I wanted to clarify spawns versus spawn trapping. We all know spawns, ie where you pop up, is bad on any map. What I was referring to here with these maps is spawn trapping in control, ie trapping people on A at lockers on Dead Cliffs, trapping people at B on Legions Gulch, etc. Absolutely nothing was changed via cap points or heavy ammo spawn while these maps were absent.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We made some minor changes to the spawning of Dead Cliffs. You can read the full patch notes on what changes where made to the maps the returned here. Doesn't appear it was enough to prevent spawn trapping though. I'll put in a request to remove it from the Control playlist based on feedback here. I know it's still a popular map in some other modes.

I'll also give feedback on removing Gambler's Run. Let me know if anyone disagrees with anything I've taken away from this thread or if you have any other related feedback. Thanks!

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by ralamus

Hey Cozmo, any chance that a Quickplay 4v4 will happen? 3v3 has been perfect for comp games but 6v6 has really felt like a clusterf**k on almost every map.

Edit: I'm not saying 6v6 should go away, just add a 4v4 option for it. The maps are too small for 6v6.

Seems like the overall community feedback was 6v6 was better than 4v4 when we made the switch in Y1. Happy to hear everyone's thoughts though.