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Despite letting us bake for Ana Bray and adding recipes for Vance, Calus, and Riven, Destiny has once again neglected to let us make seasonal desserts for the Warmind himself. I know he can’t eat whatever we bring him, but I just want him to feel included. So this year I took matters into my own hands and made Rasputin a batch of Chocolate Truffle Warsats!

I have no prior knowledge of candy/chocolate-making, so I did a lot of googling and winged it. What could possibly go wrong? Turns out: several things, but I did it anyway! The phrase “chocolate truffle warsats” popped fully-formed into my head, so the question was how to turn it into an actual foodstuff. I decided I wanted to do an orange-filled chocolate with little sugar antennas. I knew I wanted an orange filling because a) it represents the orange Seraph energy inside the warsats and b) I love orange chocolate. First I thought of using a dodecahedral mold, but while I could find some online, it would take time for them to ship and I was impatient. So I found a professional cake & candy supply store near me, went over to check out the molds and decorations, and found one for soccer balls. The hemispherical shapes looked like the crashed warsats from public events and I thought “that way if/when the chocolates get a little messed-up it’ll just look more accurate.” I decided to make a couple of full warsats by sticking together two hemispheres as well as one “crashed” warsat to pose in a little Mars scene.

I made some white chocolate ganache and mixed in orange extract for flavor, then added orange food coloring and edible glitter for extra sparkle. It worked out for this project but if I make these again I think I’ll try something else since it tasted like creamsicles and I wanted more of an actual orange. I tried to temper chocolate mostly out of curiosity and failed, so I switched to using the special compound chocolate that mimics tempered chocolate. It ended up not mattering since I covered it in royal icing anyway but I figured a nice crackly coat of chocolate would snap more like the metal warsat plates. I made the truffles by pouring in a little chocolate to coat the surface of the molds, then adding a sprinkling of edible gold crystals to line the inside, then putting in a ball of orange chocolate ganache. Then I filled the rest of the mold with more chocolate and let them set in the freezer.

Next problem was how to do the antennas. A couple weeks earlier I’d made royal icing for holiday cookie decorating and the stuff sets like concrete so I decided to try making shapes from that. I piped out some antenna shapes on a piece of waxed paper and let them dry, then peeled them off and stuck them on with a dot of icing. I’d also been trying a few different ways to highlight the texture on the chocolate to get that plated warsat look and decided to try the royal icing. I haven't seen it used on chocolate but it stuck so hey, figured it was worth a shot. It ended up looking pretty good since royal icing gives you that smooth glassy look so I went with it. I first used a stiff batch of icing to outline a polyhedral shape over the chocolate surface and then used a more fluid, darker grey batch to fill in the plates. It took ages to dry completely but I think the end result was worth it.

Happy Dawning, Rasputin! You're not alone anymore...whether you like it or not.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

This is wonderful.