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  • Fighting Lion is the best breech-loading grenade launcher in the game, which is why it'll be so frustrating when you figure out that it almost never OHKs a guardian.

  • Edge Transit is a meme, not a joke. There's a difference.

  • If you haven't already, get you a Militia's Birthright or Orewing Maul. Ignore blast radius. It's a lie. You will have a need... for SPEED. Velocity. Quickdraw. Enhanced GL loader on your arms. Auto-loading holster. St0mp-EE5s. Transversive Steps. Dunemarchers. 10 mobility. Traction. Your enemies are Australia, and you are an emu. Be the bird.

  • However bad you think Sentinel hit registration is, GL hit registration is exactly 3.4x worse. Ever watched a melee bounce harmlessly between your enemy's legs? No. No you have not.

  • You will be tempted to try doing this in Competitive. You might even succeed in so doing. Some people also enjoy getting kicked in the balls. Your call on whether you're one of them.

  • Iron Banner works now--you can earn both double kills and Calculated Trajectory medals there, though it won't actually show the CT medals on screen. The real challenge is finding a match that lasts long enough to allow you to hit that crispy three-piece.

  • Tethering multiple enemies allows you to line up the easy multikill, whiff, panic reload-dodge, shoot between their legs, and watch someone else mop up your disillusionment with their shotgun.

  • Some people play to hunt you, and you personally, once you achieve two GL final blows in a single life. It is their job to prevent your Calculated Trajectory medal. It is your job to end their hunt, because the rest of your team just flipped spawns and now you're all by yourself. Good luck!

  • Targeting perks and Targeting Adjuster mods are bad ideas. Ever tried hitting someone with a projectile by shooting straight at them? Works about as well as you think it wouldn't. This is the one and only time Quick Access Sling is your friend.

  • Shoot all of your bullets. You're not gonna get lucky by sitting on 6 GL shots.

  • Think of your breech-loader as a sh*tty Chaperone with bouncy bullets and a critbox that sits just above the spleen. Your goal is to make your targets regret eating before this Crucible match.

  • Camp heavy now, ask for forgiveness later.

  • Clip all of the bullsh*t plays you get, good and bad, and edit them into a montage to post to Reddit later so that I can watch them and feel better about myself.

Now that you're prepped, get out there and earn your shiny new pocket rocket!

EDIT: Formatting is hard on mobile. Also, emus can make for formidable foes in the right circumstances.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

You forgot the "there will be many times you bounce your grenade off of a wall, and kill yourself in the process"