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New Bungie is best Bungie.


EDIT: Here's the text since the link is currently down...

Due to recent feedback asking for a reduction in the amount of Heavy ammo available in Crucible we are issuing a server-side change to the following modes. These changes should be live now!

Control will now have heavy ammo spawn in at 45 seconds and then every 120 seconds. It was spawning in at 45 seconds and then every 60 seconds.

Clash and Supremacy will now have heavy ammo spawn in at 60 seconds and then every 120 seconds. It was spawning in at 15 seconds and then every 60 seconds.

We don’t have server-side settings to change up the new 3v3 Survival mode but do plan to make the following changes in an update later this month. Survival will soon have heavy ammo spawn in at 60 seconds and then again 60 seconds later just as the tiebreaker objective spawns. It is currently spawning in at 45 seconds and then every 60 seconds.

The amount of heavy ammo granted will be reduced to match the amounts in Elimination and the 6v6 modes. We saw a lot of feedback about making heavy one round or being removed but wanted to make sure there was still an incentive for players to maintain map control and not camp at the edge of the map once they have a life advantage. We will continue to monitor feedback on these changes.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by GobiasCafe

Did we camp in Trials? I don’t agree that reverting to heavy ammo round will result in any more camping

There were complaints when Memory of Skorri was a thing and you could camp in the back charging each others supers.

I'll give the feedback on removing, but this is the current plan for the next update. Give it a try and tell us what you think.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by crypticfreak

/u/Cozmo23, could you please pass the word on that all armor 1.0 stats/mods are still on the 1.0 scale (out of 10) even though they now live in a 2,0 (out of 100) scale setting? This means that stacked recovery armor (with mods) can only ever offer 15 recovery (10 from +2 on each armor piece and 5 +1s on five recovery mods). That’s not even T2 and as a result armor 1.0 is neutered off the bat.

Traction 2.0 mod and 1.0 perk are also still on the 1.0 scale despite living in a 2.0 setting meaning traction on both Y2 and Y3 sets does not provide any meaningful stat bonus. I believe the turn radius is working as intended however.

Finally ordinance mods seem to be totally busted as well.

This is a known issue. Thanks.