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Honestly, glimmer is the last thing I need as a reward and doesn't feel very rewarding when you level up. Plus it's super easy to come by as everything you do produces it in some form.

Replace it with 200 bright dust. Would make it much more enticing to get and allow you to buy some skins, effects, etc from the store this season instead of hoarding it. Seeing as the BD economy stinks.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I don’t think we should necessarily replace glimmer on the pass since some players may utilize it, but I will share you feedback with the team on adding more Bright Dust to the pass.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DrNick1221

since some players may utilize it

Why the heck would people want glimmer from the season pass, when the spider is a thing? Plus you just get glimmer from playing the game.

The season pass should only be giving out bright dust, as that is a resource that is much harder to come by for everyone.

This response kind of approaches "Sense of pride and accomplishment" territory, cosmo.

Sorry about that. I was just trying to say that we could just leave the glimmer on there as well instead of take it off. But I’m happy to give the feedback that it should be removed and replaced with Bright Dust instead of just adding Bright Dust to it.