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Hey, just wanted to bring attention to something real quick. We seem to be missing some lore from the new update.


  • Added Lore Tabs for the following Shadowkeep rewards:
  • Legendary Garden of Salvation rewards
  • 15 unique lore tabs

Unless I'm mistaken, these 15 unique lore tabs didn't get added (I'm basing this on the new documents added to Ishtar, though they also don't appear to be in game either.)

Just thought I'd address it quickly because it seems to have been an accidental oversight (and if I'm mistaken, then just ignore this post - or...preferably point me in the direction of the entries because i'd very much like to read them)

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We checked into this. Apparently the lore was added for the raid weapons but there is a bug where it won't show up in-game. We are currently investigating.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by KingNuclearo

The Season of Opulence armor has lore in the database as well that doesn't appear in game.

Which pieces exactly and I will look into it.