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On light.gg it says that the gun has 9 in the cylinder. There are no perks that give you minus mag capacity, right?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Rick_14


If I recall correctly, API data is not always one-to-one with the game's data (though they do a great job of keeping it super accurate in my opinion).. Might just be a mistake on the API side because yes none of the perks have a magazine size reduction, just increases.

Maybe /u/EdgarVerona knows.

Yeah, there's a lot of history here, particularly with magazine size. I tried to document it for API users here:


Ultimately, in D1 when we discovered this inconsistency, we almost removed it from the API entirely: but API users wanted it retained, because it at least gave them a number they could use for general comparison. We left it in, but it does continue to be a misleading number. I don't know if it still happens in D2, but in D1 you could even sometimes see your magazine size change *in game* if you went from being in orbit to going into an activity, and again to a different number if you went to the tower.

almost 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Rick_14

Appreciate the insight as always!

No prob, glad to be of help when I can be! <3 (and I always enjoy talking about the strange case of magazine size ;) )

almost 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by never3nder_87

Whilst we don't see you as much as the CMs, it's always great to see a comment from you as it's almost always insightful and interesting.

Thanks for taking the time to interact with us here

<3 I'm glad to be of help! Yeah, the last year or so I've been knee-deep in non-API related work, so I've been less useful out here! But glad to chat when I can :D