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There's obviously a lot to talk about right now, including some important reports of problems and valid criticisms, but I would like to take a moment to say that I'm really impressed by how much is going on with this season's central activity and systems compared to Undying.

The Sundial itself is fun and challenging, a good variation on the Menagerie's objective-based tempo.

The Obelisks are much more complex than I had expected; I thought they would be like Vex Invasions, a basic mini-Sundial encounter on various worlds, but in fact they offer real depth and investment.

The Dawn mods purchasable from the Obelisks seem very interesting, and I'm sure we'll see some crazy builds using the Charged with Light system—and that's on top of what the artifact offers.

Plus there are actual questlines and an unfolding story for the player to push forward! Watching Ikora build her portal may have been an example of an "evolving world," but it happened entirely without the player's involvement; this is much better.

Also, I didn't stop to say this during the last season, but the Champions added with Shadowkeep are terrific, especially in Nightfalls: The Ordeal. It's very satisfying to incorporate anti-Champion properties in your fireteam loadout, stagger or disrupt them, and burst them down. After running a few Ordeals and then switching to a legacy Nightfall or a normal strike, you deeply feel their absence. Great addition.

So, while there are certainly areas where Destiny continues to need improvement, I want to say: Good job, Bungie, and thanks. Looking forward to sinking my teeth deeper into all of this and seeing what the rest of this season has to offer.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thank you. We are absolutely taking feedback (the good, the bad, the ugly), and it's great to hear you're enjoying it on day 1.

Definitely keep the feedback coming. What are you enjoying? What do you find to be an improvement over Season of the Undying? What isn't so exciting? How many Edge Transits have you gotten since launch? Have you eaten any bread?
