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It takes hours if not days to reset valor when there’s not XP boosts and you can get them in under an hour in a master Nightfall. It’s a bigger time investment and it won’t invalidate nightfalls since PvE players aren’t going to just start grinding PvP if they don’t like it in the first place and it would give PvP players a slower means of master working gear. Being forced to play Nightfalls as the only means of masterworking gear goes very, very far against “play how you want”.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

/u/dmg04 and I have spoken to the team about this. We've mentioned that it's tough for players who prefer PVP to MW currently since the higher tier materials are not available in PVP activities. Nothing is set in stone, but they are aware of the request.