about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


To set the record straight I nor any other CM would never and did not lie to anyone about XP not being shown correctly. We never said anything close to “assuring players nothing was wrong.” You can go back and read our replies if you like.

about 5 years ago - /u/DeeJ_BNG - Direct link

Originally posted by Aquatico_

I know. He's genuinely good at his job. I don't dislike him at all. I'm just saying that it's frustrating to read stuff from DeeJ because you spend half an hour reading and come out not having really learnt anything.

I'm sorry that was frustrating. That certainly wasn't the goal. This was a conversation with someone who wanted to write about how we include our community in the development process. You're not likely to learn anything new about that, because you live it with us. The intended audience for this article was people outside of our community who wanted to learn about what we do on a more philosophical level. The TWAB is written for you. This was written for curious onlookers who observe from afar.

about 5 years ago - /u/DeeJ_BNG - Direct link

Originally posted by Aquatico_

That's fair enough, apologies.

No apologies needed at all! This is a fair piece of feedback that I see from time to time. Every E3, someone reaches out to express frustration that we are saying the same things in all of our interviews. The reality is that we talk to different outlets to make sure the same message reaches as many people as possible. Life would be a lot easier if we could just say something once, but we strive to be inclusive with our invitations to join the community. When you see us being repetitive, imagine that we’re trying to send the next public event ally (or crucible victim) your way.

about 5 years ago - /u/DeeJ_BNG - Direct link

Originally posted by pygreg

Can you teach 'em how to make it heroic? :)

Heroism cannot be taught. Only earned...

about 5 years ago - /u/DeeJ_BNG - Direct link

Originally posted by stormhunter2

Good to hear from you Deej, I thought Cozmo and dmg kidnapped you at some point

They did better than kidnap me. They reinvented the job and show me how it’s done.