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I think any Primary weapon that falls under the "scatter projectile" classification for the armor targeting mod (Autos, SMGs, Pulses, Sidearms) should have access to Overload/Piercing and any precision Primary (Scouts, Bows, HCs) should have access to Unstoppable mods.

Right now, theres no reason not to use Recluse for anything with Overload or Shielded Champions or a Hand Cannon for Unstoppable Champions, which really restricts the PvE meta for high level PvE, and further stacks the deck against weapons like Scouts and Bows.

Maybe Snipers could get Shield Piercing, Fusions could get Overload, and Shotguns could get Unstoppable too.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. There are a lot of new systems at play here with the champions, mods, and elective difficulty. Continue to let us know what you like about them, and what you think doesn't feel good.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by FlyFishDave

Found a glitch I think...I had unstoppable hand cannon on a gun, then I reset my artifact to get the enhanced re-loader that I wanted (but still had unstoppable hand cannon selected). After that I proceeded to get run over by unstoppable ogres...over and over again. It basically broke the perk for the rest of the strike.

Did it work after the strike ended?