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Howdy Guardians,

Eververse has (Again) become a major hot topic in the Community. Highlighted further by New Players and the Event: Festival of the Lost. Even though we are only Day 2 of the event, the Feedback has been very focused on one aspect and that is how Eververse and it's economy presents itself in your game.

r/DTG has heard you loud and clear.

While we will always allow Topics to be made, discussed and debated, we've reached the Tipping Point with post frequency and sub etiquette. To prevent this all from flooding the Sub further or devolving further south in the Comment chains, All further posts related to Eververse, MTX and the Silver / BD Economy will be directed here until further notice. Any post already made prior to this thread will remain up.

Please also be aware Bungie have replied to some posts regarding their topics to provide Feedback to the Team - Here, Here, Here and Here.

Current Trending Topics

These are the current 'Hot' Topics on the subjects. Please direct Feedback in the already existing threads or below here in the Comments


  • We create these Megathreads as a compromise for all subscribers, some of whom believe the current state of the subreddit is being undermined by repeated/reposted topics drowning out all other content, and some of whom believe drowning out all other content to repeat/repost those topics is more important than other peoples' usage of the subreddit.

  • Only posts made AFTER this thread goes up will be removed; we do not remove existing/current threads after creating a Megathread, as the entire point is to direct discussion to where it's relevant- those existing posts and this one.

  • KEEP IT CIVIL when discussing this Topic here or anywhere else on r/DTG. Be Excellent to each other out there

Megathreads and You

If you're wondering about the timing for Megathreads, we generally wait until /r/DestinyTheGame/new is being inundated with posts about all the other posts. At that point evaluate as a team, and make a decision based on the current status and whether all the new posts are contributing anything unique or novel enough to stand on their own.

This is a temporary measure, to ensure this makes all the feedback and criticism much more visible and accessible to anyone who may go looking.

Thanks for your understanding, and we hope you have a great Halloween weekend

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We're actively passing all of the feedback on Eververse, FOTL, Bright Dust, etc to the dev team. Thanks for helping collect it in this Megathread. We are meeting with the team regularly to go over your suggestions on what can be improved. We'll share more details as soon as we can.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Webb2Engram

Why the dev team as opposed to the actual decision makers?

Sorry if this comes off as kind of an aggressive question

I consider the decision-makers as part of the dev team. Sorry if my wording was confusing. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DiscombobulatedMonk7

I think you're doing an awesome job Cozmo regardless of what dmg04 says about your crucible skills.

My Crucible skills have definitely declined over the years. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by loso3svk

i am curious, if you gonna pass the info to the team, does that mean you will actually read through everything here to make summary? or how does this actually work?

I am geniually curious

There is no way I will ever read every single thing, especially since comments continue to be added. I do try to read as much as I can though and condense it into reoccurring points and topics we see posted by players.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by WittyUsername816

Well la-de-da, look at Mr. Not-Omniscent over here. Gee man, you gotta step up your game! /s