Original Post — Direct link

On February 24th I had some work featured on Bungie's Twitter and Instagram. Over two months later I have yet to receive the emblem. Link to relevant post to Bungie's Twitter

Adastra57 had their work featured a few days before me and they received theirs Link to that on IG They're actually an awesome artist, seriously check their stuff out here

Now to be clear, I don't want this to come across as complaining. I understand this is about the time Bungie staff started working from home due to COVID-19. I'm willing to be more than patient about this. I'd be happy to wait months more if I could get a response. I've made several efforts to contact Bungie through other means to no response. I also have concerns because people are still being featured regularly through art, MOTW, and "Bungie Bounties".

For what it's worth I was also featured back in 2017 on Bungie's Twitter and Instagram which was before emblems for this sort of thing even existed.

My friend Marvin was also featured back in January and also hasn't received it. Link to that Twitter post

Maybe something will come of this maybe not. Regardless, thanks for looking r/destinythegame

Here's my Instagram if anyone wants to see it

And my Twitter

Spyke out

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Going through these (OP and Replies) today to hand out the missing emblems.

Many apologies on my part. Manual process leads to human error. Should be in your collection by tomorrow at reset.

If you're missing an emblem, DM me the following:\

  • link to bungie tweet

  • link to source of your artwork (your twitter account, bungie.net creations page, etc)

  • link to your bungie.net profile that has a destiny account linked to it